Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Dallas kissed my forehead after informing me about my two older mischievous twin brothers, Jake and Taylor then he walked out the door. As soon as the door was about to close, it was opened, by the twins. They were identical other than one had blue eyes while the other had bright green. Both had gold flecks in them, though.

"I'm Luke, he's Duke." Mr. Green eyes said.

I chuckled slightly, "Are you serious? That is the corniest thing I've ever heard. Which isn't really saying much cause I've only been awake like two hours."

Both boys stared at me, then burst out laughing. " You really think those are our names? Wow I guess you really dont remember anything." The one with blue eyes said.

"Nope I'm lying, I know who you are. Blue eyes here, you're Jake. And you're Taylor, green eyes." I said in complete seriousness. The looks on their faces were to die for!

"We've got to tell mom," Jake said panicking. Taylor just stood there totally shocked. "Annabelle, tell me right now if you are lying to our parents."

"Annabelle?" I asked. That's not my name. They told me Annmarie, im positive they did. "Who’s Annabelle?"

They both sighed in relief. "No, Jake here couldn't say Annmarie when we were little, so he called you Annabelle instead, dumb right. I guess it just stuck with us. So, Dallas ratted us out then?" Taylor smiled coming to sit next to me on the bed, shortly following him, Jake came to the other side. "Typical. So how's the head?"

"Hurts like crap." They both chuckled. "So what else do i need to know about you two?" i asked once they were finished mocking me.

"We fight alot." Taylor said, "About stupid things. Like watch this."he turned to Jake who wasn't quite paying attention but watching my heart tracker thingy. "Jake my eyes are prettier than yours."

"No way, man. My blue eyes are beautiful." Jake joined the conversation again.

Taylor laughed, "You've got to be kidding me if you ever think a girl will go for blues eyes over green. Loser."

"Don't even go there, Tristan. My eyes melt hearts." Jake blinked his eyes like a little school girl would. I couldn't help but laugh.

Taylor smacked his face, not hard but enough to get his attention. "Jason, you've got that wrong my eyes melt hearts. Yours burns peoples vision-"

"Wait." I stopped them, "Why did you just call him Tristan, and him Jason. I thought it was Taylor and Jake." My head was hurting now, confusing me probably wasn't their best idea.

"Oh," Jake blushed, "Don't worry, we do that alot."

Taylor laughed, "That's our thing. When we fight, we never call each other by their real names. Its stupid, but its something we've always done."

"Huh. So I'm starting to think I'm the only normal one in this room." I said.

"Annabelle, you're the only normal one in our whole family." Taylor smiled. I was starting to feel uneasy, because honestly, I didn't remember them. At all. They might as well be strangers on the street.

Jake noticed my look, "You really dont remember anything do you?" I whispered a barley audible 'no'. "I'm so sorry Annabelle." He said taking my hand while Taylor nodded.

"So, what's the deal with Stranger Danger, out there?" I said breaking them from their serious state. They both doubled over laughing. Personally, I didn't think it was so funny.

"Stranger Danger?" Jake asked once he calmed down. "Who in the world is Stranger Danger?"

"That crazy girl who came in here and attacked me as soon as I woke up. I nearly had a heart attack, which wouldn't have been too good considering I just woke up after being unconscious for seven months." I stopped myself to breathe. "What happened with me and her? She told me i flipped on her for no reason, or for being poor or something." Not one of the twins said a thing. "What?" I asked.

"Oh. Touchy subject." Jake said looking down. Playing with his fingers. It reminded me of something Charlie was doing earlier. He was talking to me, but looking down and playing with his fingers, just like Jake.

"Why?" I asked wondering what she had done, maybe she went out with one of these boys, broke their heart. Maybe she stole from the house. Nah. She didn't look that bad. I bet it was something stupid, a little girl fight between the two of us, pulling us apart.

Both were silent until Taylor said, "Mom and dad think she did this to you." As soon as he said that, I fainted.

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