Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

They all rushed towards me but I stopped them, "Please don't come any closer. I don't recognize any of you." I said overwhelmed. They all stopped dead in their tracks, disappointment fell on their faces as I looked them all over.

The woman in the front looked about mid forties. Large, dark circles were formed under her eyes, with red on her eyes, making it look like she had been crying recently. Her looks were jaw dropping, though. Obviously she was the mom of the family. Next to her there was a man, the dad, skinny but muscular. He had a kind look in his deep blue eyes. The smile on his face made me want to start smiling too. But I didn't.

Behind them there was a older boy, he looked about twenty two. He looked like a classic jock. Strong, built, with good looks. Attached to his arm was a beautiful girl looking around twenty two, also. She didn't look anything like anyone in the group. They must be dating I told myself.

There was two other boys, looking so similar, it was crazy. Obviously twins. They looked like they should be in their first year of college, roughly nineteen. Attached to one of their hips was a little boy. The cutest little kid ever. He had deep blue eyes just like his father, and stunning bone structure like his mom. He looked about three.

The little boy started squirming until he was let down. "ANNIE!" He screamed and attacked me.

Everyone looked shocked and didn't know what to do. I laughed and ruffled his hair, "What's your name buddy?" I asked as he sat on my lap.

Confusion spread across his face. "I'm Charlie."

"You named him, don't you remember?" the one twin said. All of them nodded in agreement.

I looked up, "You mean I named this kid, and don't remember. Ugh this is getting so frustrating!"

All of the people looked confused except for Bailey and Nurse Nancy. Nancy explained, "Annie is suffering from a rare case of amnesia. She remembers everything she has ever learned academically, but nothing personal. This is probably due to the traumatic state we found her in, also from seven months of no communication. The doctor thinks it would be best to reintroduce yourselves to her. Then in about a week if she still doesn't remember anything, then the best thing to do is to take her home and remind her of things. Bring her back to her normal schedule."

I looked at the family before me. I still wasn't positive if they were really my family. "So she doesn't remember anything?" the girlfriend of the oldest boy asked. When Nancy nodded, she burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Was I really close to you or something?"

No response. They all ignored me. "What if she never remembers? What then?" The father asked.

Nurse Nancy smiled sadly, "Then she gets to start her life over." Soon after that she excused herself from the room, so we could 'catch up'.

I drew in a deep breath waiting for the introductions to begin. The mom walked up to me, "Baby? I'm your mom. My real names Sydney shields. You used to do this weird thing when you were mad at me or trying to get my attention, by calling me by my first name. For your whole thirteen year old year all I heard was SYD! It was quite amusing."

The boys im the back all laughed. The older one said, "Ma, you hated it." he turned his attention back to me. "You caught her on a really bad day once and you got grounded for two months. It was really funny."

I smiled happy they could be so comfortable around me. Even though I was almost positive I didn't know them. "I'm sorry your name?" I asked him.

"Oh. I'm Dallas." he smiled at me. "I-"

He was cut off by his little 'friend', "I have a idea. How about we all leave the room, and come in one at a time so she isn't so overwhelmed. It would probably be more comfortable that way, for Annie." She looked at the others who nodded in agreement and then they all looked for my approval.

"Go ahead, I'll start with Charlie here." I smiled at the little boy who was playing with my IV. Once the others left, I asked him a question, "Are they always like that?"

He looked up and said, "Always." Shaking his head. I giggled he was too cute. "Why did you sleep so long, nerd."

That time I laughed out loud, "Nerd?"

"That's what I always call you. You call me Bug." he smiled. "It started one day when called me bug instead of bud, and Dallas called you a nerd. So did I." His chubby cheeks turned a little red. Awe this little boy was adorable! "But why did you sleep so long? I take naps all the time, but not that long!"

I wasn't sure what to tell him, partly because I didn't even know, so I tickled him and said, "Because I was soooooo tired. I just fell asleep and didn't wake up for a long time. But that doesn't matter anymore. Wanna know why?"

He was giggling so hard he could barley talk. So I just told him anyways, "Because -" Our playful tickling session was cut short by Dallas opening the door.

A shocked expression filled his face, but he quickly covered it up. "Charlie, mommy wants you. She has a HUGE cookie for you!" Charlie pecked my cheek and ran out the door.

I smiled, "He is such a sweet kid. I'm surprised I don't remember him." Dallas took the seat next to me. "So. . . I hear you're the reason Charlie calls me nerd."

I laughed but Dallas didn't do anything, I gave him a questioning look. "Charlie hasn't talked for about seven months. Since you had your accident, not a word has come out of his mouth. Was he really talking?"

I nodded, "He's very talkative." I looked into Dallas's eyes and could tell he was trustworthy. "Dallas, look. I need your help. I don't remember anything. So just tell me about yourself and that girl. . . Is she your girlfriend?"

Dallas blushed. "No, she's my fiancé."  

My jaw dropped. Oh my gosh, my brothers getting married! Wait, did I just think my brother? I thought. "Well, im Dallas Aaron Shields. I'm twenty two years old. My birthday is August 23. I'm going into med school, to be a pediatrician. I play on my colleges football team. Umm. My favorite colors blue, and you always were my favorite sister."

I smiled at the last comment. Then I remembered something, "Your arm!" I remembered. Dallas looked down.

"What about it?" he asked. I grabbed his arm and flipped it over showing a long scar down the outside of his forearm.

"I did this." I shouted. "I did this! We were playing in the tree and I pushed you off the branch and it cut you!"

Dallas's eyes lit up, "Yes! That's exactly what happened! What else do you remember?" he asked anxiously.

I shook my head, "That's about the only thing I remember, at all. That and fainting alot."

Dallas hugged me, "That's alright, baby girl. Its an improvement. I love you so much and im really happy to have you back!" My eyes started watering. I barely remember Dallas, only that one little incident. It was heartbreaking.

He started walking to the door, "I was really close to you wasn't I?" I whispered. He turned and nodded. "I'm so sorry, Dallas."

He walked back towards me, "For what?"

I looked at his hand and dared myself to grab it. Once I did looked him in the eye, "I can tell you love me so much, and I don't even remember you. I couldn't say anything about you, if I had to. I'm so sorry."

"Listen and listen closely." Dallas snapped, shocking me. His eyes hardening, almost scaring me, I wasn't sure what was going to happen but it really made me nervous. "This," he gestured around the room, " is not your fault. Do you understand me? This is somebody else's fault. And don't you ever feel for a minute that this is your fault. Its not, its some psycho's fault that got away."

My lips turned up into a smile, "I think I'm really gonna like you Dallas."

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