"Be careful. There are Haunted around almost every corner here." He warned and I nodded.

"I've noticed." I responded before I led the way into the mall. Joseph stayed close to me but I couldn't hear any moaning. We headed up the stairs to a clothing store.

"Stay at the door while I check it out." Joseph ordered and I didn't argue. This wasn't Joseph my fiancé but detective Oda ordering me and I knew better than to argue with him.

I leaned the ax on the wall near my feet and looked around, one hand resting on my abdomen. "I found your daddy, little one." I thought to myself with a smile.

"Okay. It's empty." Joseph came back to me and I smiled.

"Okay." I slipped inside and quickly looked through the clothes. A lot of it was dresses or blouses and much of it was to dirty to wear. I needed something more practical to wear and a clean white button up caught my eye. I felt bad taking the tag off but I let the feeling go. It wasn't like I could buy it.

I had just changed into my new shirt when Joseph came up holding a pair of jeans. "These should fit." He said as I took them.

"Thanks." I said before I pulled off my black slacks.

I had just started to put on the jeans when I glanced at Joseph, who was staring. "What? You've seen me with far less clothes on than this." I reminded.

"Em, what is that?" He gestured to my abdomen and I glanced down, seeing only the baby bump. It took me a moment to remember that Joseph had disappeared before I could tell him about the baby.

"Oh! I'm pregnant." I informed him. His eyes widened and for a moment he just stared.

"You're what?" He asked.

"Pregnant. I'm a little over three months along." I added. He stared for another moment before opening his mouth.

"Whose?" He asked. The way he said it, the smallest crack in his voice, told me how afraid of the answer he was. But it made me smile.

"Yours, of course." I replied as if that it was the only possible answer to give. Joseph came closer and gently laid his hands on my abdomen.

"Mine." He repeated softly as he knelt. I lined my hands over his. "How long have you known?" He asked, glancing up at me.

"I found out the day you disappeared." I informed him and his hands clenched into fists.

"I left you alone to take care of our child." He said bitterly and I frowned.

"You didn't know and you didn't leave me. You are right here and once we get out you'll be by my side helping me to raise it." I informed him.

"Emily, I'm only here because you came after me. If you hadn't I wold still be one of them." He said and I sighed.

"Joseph Nicholas Oda, if you don't stop thinking like that I will slap you." I informed him and Joseph finally met my eyes. I gently opened his fists with my hands as I knelt down to his level and held them tightly.

"Em, I just..." He started to say.

"Don't think about how to fix past mistakes, learn from them to keep it from happening again. You taught me that, Joseph." I reminded and he smiled. He gently placed his hand on my cheek and I leaned into his touch.

"You're right. Starting now my only thought will be on getting you and the baby safely out of here." Joseph announced and I smiled.

"Yourself, too, don't forget." I reminded as I stood. I pulled on the jeans and turned to him. "It's about time we get out of here, isn't it?" I asked and he nodded.

He was about to stand when he paused, picking something up off the floor. "Did you drop this?" He asked me.

It was the little floppy dog that I had picked up in the daycare center. "Oh, I found it right after I first arrived. It was a present from my mom to my little sister shortly after she was born." I explained as I took it from him.

"Em, didn't your sister pass away?" Joseph asked as he stood.

I nodded. "Yes. She was only a few months old. And afterward my mom killed herself." I added.

"I'm sorry." Joseph touched my shoulder but I just smiled at him.

"I don't even remember it all that well I was so young when it happened." I explained with a smile as I looked where to put the stuffed animal. My other clothes had good pockets, but he wouldn't fit into any of these.

"Here." Joseph handed me a little backpack and I put the dog inside.

"Since we're in a mall maybe we should round up some supplies. Like a flashlight or matches, food. Maybe even some extra bullets for you if they have the right kind." I suggested and Joseph nodded.

"I agree. Let's go. Stay close to me, Emily. Please." He requested and I could tell by the look in his eyes it was not an idle or purely selfish request.

"Always." I replied immediately with a smile.

The Evil Within: The DetectiveWhere stories live. Discover now