You meet each other (the Axis)

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~Germany ~

Let's just get this out in the open... You are NOT the most "health oriented" person in the world. You'd prefer watching your favorite show on Netflix rather than going today the gym. So when your close friend Delilah dragged you out of your cocoon of blankets to train with her you were far from pleased.

"Why did you drag me here" You whined as she shot an apple off your head.

"Cuz you're the only person who'll let me shoot an apple off their head" she shrugs pulling out another arrow.

As you stood against the wall board out of your skull you saw a certain blonde haired blue eyed man yelling at two other people to quicken their jumping jacks. Your eyes stayed on him and you had to admit, this guy was pretty friggin attractive.

"Hey Delilah who is that guy?" You ask her

"Oh him. That's Germany he comes here pretty often...why?Do you liiiiikeeeeeeeee?" She grins poking your cheek

"Maybe..." You mutter

"THEN LEMME INTRODUCE YOU TO HIM" she shouts dragging you over to him

When the two finally make it over Wonderland waves at him "HEY HEY DOITSU!!" She yells

"Oh.. um hallo Vonderland do jou need somthing?" He sighs

"YES TALK TO MY FRIEND" She chirps throwing you at him before taking off

After a moment of processing he finally turns to you.

"Jou're friends vith zhat mess?" He asks raising an eyebrow

"Eh I fell down her rabbit hole once and then we started hanging out" You explain

"Jou must be a saint... she invited me for tea one...NEVER again zhat country ist crazy"

"Well considering that her diet mainly consists of strange glowing mushrooms and sugary sweets it isn't that suprising" You laugh shaking your head

"I suppose jou are right by zeh vay I never caught jour name vat ist it?"

"Um I'm (yn)" You sputter out

"Ah, und I am Germany but you can call me Ludwig." Just then a pair of foot steps were heard running away. Germany snapped his head back to see Italy taking off towards to the exit. Ludwig sighed before turning back to you

"I'd love to stay und talk but I have to catch zat dumkapf. if jou vish we can continue zis conversation at a different time. Maybe train with us ja? "

"Ummm sure! But I have to go look for Wonderland too it's not normal for her to be quiet this long"

" sehr gut, Auf Wiedesehen" he called out as he began to chase the man out of the gym.


Ahh nothin like a good Sunday afternoon. The Suns out, the sky is blue and you don't have anything to do today. What could make this day any better? Food that's what! Deciding that Italian food sounded good you headed to the store to get the needed ingredients. You grabbed a basket and dropped in some pasta, garlic, onions, peppers,and ground beef all you needed now was tomatoes! As you went over to the produce you spotted one perfectly ripe tomato and was just about to grab it when someone knocked you out of the way causing you to fall.

"Move it stupid ragazza, I need-a this more than-a you" a voice barked

You winced in pain as you rubbed the back of your head glaring at the tan olive eyed individual who pushed you down.

"FRATELLO! THATS-A NOT HOW-A YOU TREAT A LADY!" Another voice shrieked

Your eyes softened when the owner of the second voice came running up to you.

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