"Indeed. However, on the way, I would like to stop and doing a quick test if you would be okay with that." He asked.

"In exchange for seeing Joseph? As long as it won't hurt me." I agreed as I quickly stood.

"It's just a brain scan. Nothing dangerous at all." He said with a smile.

"Alright." I agreed. Mr. Black led me out of the room and down the hall.

"While we are walking I would like to explain to you the situation Joseph Oda is in, since it is rather unusual." He started.

"Alright. But he isn't dead?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Not in the traditional sense, no. Before I get into the details may I ask why you are so determined to find Joseph Oda if you were informed he was deceased?" Mr. Black asked.

I let out a breath. "Joseph always called it a sixth sense. In reality it's just a feeling I get, like the truth of what is before me isn't the truth, or at least not all of it. I tried to convince myself that detective Castellanos was telling the truth and I had no reason to doubt it, but there was just something in the back of my mind that told me to dig. I trusted that feeling and that's how I ended up here." I explained.

By this point we had reached a room with glass windows. Mr. Black guided me inside to a device that looked like a head scanner. "This is for the brain scan. Stand here." He had me stand and activated the machine. The two pieces spun around my head a time or two then it stopped.

"That was quick." I said and he nodded.

"It's very efficient. Now, it looks like you will be able to go after the detective. That's good." He informed me as he looked at the scan.

"Go after him?" I asked. Mr. Black smiled and started guiding me back to the elevator.

"Yes. You see we have created a device that allows multiple minds to be linked together, experiencing the memories and feelings of those linked. Unfortunately one of our scientists activated a still being tested advancement to the device and Joseph Oda, as well as his partner, one of our own agents, the man himself, one of the hospital doctors and one of his patients, were all trapped inside the device." He explained. This time we went up in the elevator.

"Then why were the others allowed to leave?" I asked.

"Actually, only Sebastian Castellanos and our own agent, who was prepared before going in, were able to escape. Those who didn't died within the world created by STEM." He corrected.

"Then Joseph is dead?" I asked, since now I was getting confused.

"No. In the STEM world Joseph began to lose himself even before he was killed, turning into a zombie-like creature we call Haunted. When he was shot by our agent, my apologizes for that, he should have died but this ongoing change saved him. However it did cost him his sanity. If you find him he will likely have no knowledge of who you are or even who he is." Mr. Black stepped out of the elevator and guided me into a glass room with a large device.

Cords spread from the floor to the ceiling, with an empty spot for something about head high off the floor. Connected to it and spread in a circle around it were what appeared to be bathtubs. "Mr. Oda is over here." Mr. Black guided me around a short distance to a bathtub with a person inside.

I recognized him immediately. It was unmistakably Joseph. I ran over to the bathtub and gently touched his cheek. He was cold, though not cold like a dead body. "Oh, Joseph..." I said softly as combed my fingers through his hair. It was oily, dirty from not being washed, but still soft and familiar to me.

"What is he laying in?" I asked as I dipped my fingers in the milky white liquid.

"A preservative of sorts, you could say. Now the brain scan earlier was to make sure you were compatible with the system. Luckily for you, you are. If you were not you wouldn't be able to enter STEM safely." Mr. Black informed me.

"How soon can I go in?" I asked.

"Immediately, if you so chose." He told me.

"Let me make one phone call." I pulled out my cell phone and called Castellanos, a number Joseph had made me put into my phone a long time ago though I had never used it. He didn't answer so I left him a message.

"Hello, detective Castellanos. It's Emily Wright. I came to see you a month ago or so? I just wanted to inform you that I found Joseph and am going to bring him back." I hung up, since I didn't know what else to say.

"Are you ready?" A woman asked me.

"Yes." I nodded. She led me to a bathtub next to Joseph without anything in it and I set my phone on the ground before climbing in.

"Just relax. Close your eyes." The woman said and I did so. A high pitched buzz filled my ears, echoing in my head. "Good luck." I thought I heard the woman say, but it was echoing and distorted so I couldn't be sure. The buzz increased until I could hear nothing else and a sharp pain flared from the base of my head. Red flooded across my vision and I felt like I was falling.

The Evil Within: The DetectiveWhere stories live. Discover now