Chapter 2

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Dylan in MM^^^

Levi Erin

I entered the school and was greeted with thousands of students. Some were scrambling to find there classes, obviously freshmen. Some where waiting to get there schedules, some where just annoying me by their presence. There were four tables labeled with a number I scanned each table for my grade number. There it is. I whispered to myself. I began to shoved through the crowds of people. Excuse me! Excuse me! ....EXCUSE ME! I yelled attempting to squeeze pass a large group of guys, I failed tremendously. I was already irritated from being in this damn school, now this, hell no.

Aight.. HELLO niggah!? I shouted crossing my arms. All the boys except for that one turned around. The one that didn't kept talking, and talking, and talking, and fuckin talking. finally he noticed that nobody was listening. Dumbass. And he turned around to face me. He was tall, my face was reaching the middle of his chest, but that aint stop me from giving him a 5 second cussing. Would be longer but I got shit to do.

You cant hear me say excuse me niggah?! Your so damn busy ta-
I was caught completely... Completely off guard when I realized who I was looking at.

Shawn? I asked squinting. I couldn't believe... How.. Why..WHAT THE FUCK.. WHEN?? I thought to myself.

W-when you get out? I asked giving him a hesitant hug.

Couple weeks back. He said giving me a quick squeeze. I released from the awkward ass hug, we looked at each other for a few seconds. he had a couple scars and tiny scratches on his face. He looks so different so worn and tired, the Bin really fucked him up.

We looked away from each other at the same time. I looked over at Shawn's friends who were STILL starring. I looked at Shawn, then at his friend's, then back at Shawn.

Check your lil friends Shawn. I scoffed loud enough from them to hear, I recrossed my arms and arched my brows. They all looked away tryna play shit off. Fuck them lookin ass niggahs I thought.

I put my attention back on to Shawn and my face softened. So how you been? I asked fixing my bag. I been aight. He said scratching his head. I missed you. He grabbed hold of my hand.

Yaa. I trailed off. I missed you too, you look good. I lied which now that I think about it, probably wasn't the best thing for me to say. He looked pretty bad.

How it feel to be out? I asked putting my hand on top of his while looking directly at him. He doesn't look like how he used to. I still see the scar above his eyebrow, and I feel the one on his hand. He hesitated a little bit before answering. Feels good.. you know, I'm gettin' used to it though. Shit changed. He said eyeing me a little. But its aight. I smirked at his compliment. Of course I knew I looked good, but its nice to hear it too you feel me.

Well uhh.. I gotta go uh, get my um, schdule. I said awkwardly letting go of his hand. He frowned a little.

Ok. He mummbled. See yuh. He added but I was already walking away.

There wasn't a lot of people waiting in the line so I went to the back. After I got my schedule I immediately started to look for what teachers I had, I needed to see which teacher I got to cuss out. Some of these teachers try to pass there place sometimes, thinkin' they can talk all they shit and get away with it just cuz they teachers, fuck that shit I'm not havin' it this year.

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