Soon enough I was in homeroom, and it was like the first day of High School all over again when I didn't know where to sit. I didn't know if I was obligated to sit with Payne now, or if I was still not 'worthy' of a seat with the 'cool kids.' Finally I said screw it to myself and sat where me and Bells sit every morning, deciding that I'll never abandon my friends over some guy that only accomplishes to cloud my sense of reality. So I pushed the awkward situation between Payne and I away, at least for homeroom.

I know that a situation is truly only awkward when you make it awkward, but in my defense I think there should be an exception where a situation can also be awkward between a boy and girl when said boy talks to said girl for one of the first time in more than eleven years only to then turn into a canine. Then said female starts developing these weird things called 'feelings' towards this canine boy. Excuse me, but that is awkward. Well at least in my head it is.

I shook away my thoughts as I made my way over to Bells. I remembered she was crying yesterday, but today she acted as content as ever. She was in her seat reading a book when I decided to interrupt her.

"Hey Bells," I said in a sing-song voice, "What you reading?"

"Oh, um," she stated as she checked the cover of her book. ""By The Time You Read This I'll Be Dead."" 

"Huh! Bels," I whined, "Why would you read that depressing thing. Isn't life depressing enough?"

"But it's so good!" Bels protested.

"I know it is! They always are," I agreed. "I read those books in a night and I cry over every one of them. But, why be depressed now? You and I both know that we read these books when we need a real outlook on life and a new perspective to our problems. Well, scratch that, we read those book, and we also read trashy teenage fantasy romances to make us think about how at least other people have 'Happy Endings,'" I said putting quotations on the words happy endings for enfasis. 

"And your point being?" Isabel asked as she closed her book and looked at me with her eyes conveying that I hit the nail on the head.

"Why are you upset? What's wrong?" I asked in a gentler tone. "I thought everything was going great, last time I checked you and Tim suck face whenever we see you, and as surprising as it may be with the amount of saliva that no doubt passes between the two of you daily, he's made you really happy."

"That's the point," Bels said with frustration laced through her tone. "He makes me happy, but what exactly about him?"

"Wait," I said, finally catching on. "Is this seriously what I think it's about? Oh, come on," I said as I yanked her up from her seat. I forcefully and quickly lead her out of the room telling Ms. Thatch we need to use the restroom much like I did yesterday, only this time instead of having a crying Bels, you've got a peeved off Casey. 

I finally stopped her in a secluded corner of the school by an empty science room and Tim's homeroom just down the hall. 

"Isabel Giovanna Lucia Costa!" I yelled Bels's full name at her, practically broadcasting to her how incredibly ludicrous I thought she was at the moment, as well as how angry I found myself to be. "You sit your cute little ass right down, here in this God-forsaken corner of the world and wait. Don't even think about moving, you know as well as I that I get pretty pissy when I have to chase someone down, and the pissier I get the easier it is for hateful words to be thrown about and for someone to get hurt. Now sit," I barked at her as though I was her military commander and she just shot a fellow soldier.  To her credit she did as she was told as I took a few deep breaths in order to make myself seem of tolerable sanity as I marched over to Tim's homeroom.

"Excuse me Mr. Narvaez, but can I borrow Tim here for a moment? Bels gave him her keys and she needs to move her car. Apparently she parked in a visitor's spot by accident, and for the first time my existence, we have a visitor." I said hurriedly, hoping if I just threw out my excuse at him he'd just believe it and let Tim go. I guess he mistook my previous flabbergasted look for one of desperation because he quickly let Tim go.

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