"Nothing, played with Peanut and Leo. Talked to Liam and Niall. Did some stuff for the maids. Pretty boring." He nodded adjusting the glasses on the crook of his nose. "What about you baby how was school?"

"Okay. I didn't expect you to pick me up though. That made me feel happy! Zayn and I talked all day." He stated. I pulled into the restaurant, nearly abandoned except for a few expected cars.

"And now that we're out of the public eye..." I began pulling him over into my lap and he giggled as he undid his seat belt so he could actually move. I pressed my lips onto his. My hands locked together at his spine. I opened my mouth slightly, but he pulled off.

"Hazzy, I don't want to go this far in the car." I laughed understanding his discomfort. I mean, he was in my lap.

"Alright, let's go then." I pulled his towards inside the restaurant, hand on his wrist instead of in his hand. Such a shame. Stupid Liam and Niall. I covered his eyes and took Peanut from him as we opened the doors.


"Trust me." He sighed and I led him a few more steps before taking my hand off his eyes.

"Surprise!" His eyes widened and filled with tears.

"M-Mummy?!" She smiled and nodded as he got up and nearly jumped on her. He hadn't seen his mum in the longest time. But after she ya know kicked him out, I talked to her without Louis knowing and made up with her. Telling her straight about us, about how he was living with me, and how I was no way aware of what he had done to get kicked out, but he would still be in my care. Attending Uni, for I had paid for his admission. As well as stating I loved him very much. Although she was a bit judgemental over my jobs and such, she accepted. Prior I take care of him. Good care!

"You got taller." She sniffled he rubbed his eyes and nodded. "Is Harry being good to you baby boy?"

"Yes mummy." She mopped the tears of his cheeks and before he knew it, there was 4 girls attacking him. The twins, Fizzy, and Lottie.

"Louis!" He was hugged by the two older girls, the twins on his legs. He laughed, sending me as glance and a mouthed sentence.

"Thank you."


Louis sat in my lap, despite the empty chair beside me. His sisters and mum around us. Eating food. Small talk. Kind of?

"So Harry, how's work." Jay asked me

"It's good. We get to start filming the second movie in a few weeks so we're packing." Louis grinned at his food, obviously hearing what I had said.

"He's going with you?" I nodded on a bit of my sandwich.

"Italy for a month." Louis spoke up softly. Her expression showed a motherly one.

"Really? May I ask what you will be doing in Italy when Harry is at work?"

"Playing with Peanut!" Louis said with a wide smile. His smile was infectious, but his mother wasn't buying it.


"Our dog's name is Peanut so he's not exactly lying." Her eyebrows creased.

"Harry? The truth please?"

"Well I don't know what we're gonna do there. I don't have a no filming schedule."

"Harry she's hinting." Lottie spoke up making a circle and putting her finger in it.

"Lottie that's inappropriate!" The girl shrugged at her mother's scolding. "But have you been with my son physically?" I gulped. I looked over to Louis who was blushing furiously picking at his meal.

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