Once he was gone I jumped down onto the bed again. My head resting on the pillow as I stared out the window. I saw Daryl and Merle heading out into the woods. Daryl with his crossbow strapped to his back and Merle holding a larger compound bow. Frankly with the two Dixons around I doubt that the group will be going hungry anytime soon.

There figures slowly disappeared into the tree line, making me shift my focus on everything else going on outside. Carol was hanging up laundry, and Rick was walking the perimeter. Knowing him he'd be doing that all day.

Sighing to myself I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get anymore sleep so I decided to get up and maybe pester someone into find me something to do. After all, there was always something to do.

After making my way down to the first floor, I wandered around, noticing everyone was basically outside. So that's where I headed.

Pushing open the screen door, I immediately felt a heat wave hit my body. Sweat rose to the skin of my forehead as the sun blistered down onto me. Groaning to myself, I stepped out onto the porch. Despite it being the beginning of April, today was extremely out of the ordinary weather wise.

Jumping down onto the dirt ground I let my feet carry me over to where Carol was. She was humming to herself just like most times she did laundry. It was actually quite soothing.

"Need any help Carol?"I smiled as I watched her turn around, my pair of black jeans in her hands. As she was about ready to hang them up on the clothes line.

"Nope." She chuckled and turned back around to her work. "I have it covered, but if you could watch the kids for a bit, it would be extremely helpful." I placed my hands in my pockets as I watched her pin the jeans up and move on to the next article of clothing.

Kids? I barely even knew the kids. I barely spoke to them since I've been in this group. Well, I talked to Carl once but I scared him off with my comment. But since it was probably the only thing I was going to be able to do, I decided to give it a go.

"Sure, where are they?" I asked, looking around the yard. Thinking they had to be out here somewhere.

"Getting stuff to head down to the lake." Just as she said that I heard the screen porch door slam open and the distinct sound of feet running down the wooden stairs.

Spinning on my heels I saw Carl and Sophia sprinting straight for us. Excited smiles painted across their small faces. The towels that they had in their hands flying in the summer like air.

"We're ready!" Sophia stated happily.

"Kids, Hadley is taking you down today. So please behave." Carol told the kids and despite the changes of plans they seemed more then willing for me to tag along.

"No problem! C'mon Hadley." With that Carl gripped onto my wrist and started pulling me in the direction of the lake.

I waved to Carol over my shoulder before the kids had us completely out of sight from the rest of the group. Mentally I scolded myself for not bringing my bow with me, but I did have my knife in my pants pocket. Even though it seemed like we were safe, you could never be to careful. Especially now that I had two kids to look after.

"Hadley are you and Daryl married?" I almost choked on my own spit when I heard Sophia ask me that.

My feet mindlessly carried me down the dirt path, that was overgrown with tall grass and other various plant life. I was still trying to process Sophia's question frankly. Daryl and me married? If I wasn't suppose to be the adult in this situation I probably would have laughed. That just seemed so strange.

"No, we are not married." I plainly stated. "Why? You interested?" I winked and gently ruffled her hair a bit.

Just seeing her cheeks slowly turn a bright red color, I knew she had a crush on Daryl. It was actually pretty cute.

EpidemicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora