September 26, 2010

Start from the beginning

“I will.”

“Kay, bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up and smiled, wondering if Jesse was coming for me or Ryan.

5 minutes later the bathroom door opened. I turned to see Ryan standing there with a towel around his waist. I got up and went to help him, “you okay?” I asked as he leaned against me the instance I was beside him.

“Yeah.” I walked him into his closet. I turned away as he pulled on his underwear. He put his hand on my shoulder as I pulled his sweatpants up.

“Go shower, I’ll be fine.”

“Kay.” I said walking into the bathroom where I had left my stuff the night before. It felt so good when that hot water hit my skin. I forgot everything, if only for a few minutes.

By the time I was dressed and my teeth were brushed, it was 45 minutes after the time the doctor left. I walked back into his room. He was watching TV. Ryan smiled when he saw me. Then the knock on the door. His smile vanished. Dr. Martin and 3 other came in.

“Hello. Don’t mind us; we are just going to set up.” He said sarcastically.

“Jordyn,” I turned to the sound of Shane’s voice. He motioned me over.

‘What’s up?” Then I saw Gretchen.

“He’s having surgery?”


“Are you going to be in there?”

“Yes, he wants me to.”

She nodded and gave me a hug, “Thank you,” she whispered in my ear.

“Your welcome.” I went back in then and went to hold his hand. After they set up, which took 20 minutes they had me wash up and put a gown on.

It was time.

He was asleep.

“Dr. Martin.”

“Yes?” he was about to cut…..

“Ryan told me he didn’t want you to do that. He told me to promise him that you would take it out in the existing hole.”

He looked at me, and something in my voice made him put down the scalpel. He nodded, “very well.”

I was still holding his hand when the Dr. grabbed something that made the bullet hole bigger. He then took long, thin tweezers and put them inside. With a strong pull, he recovered the bullet. Turns out it wasn’t as deep as they thought. The bleeding was minimal, they sewed it up quickly and covered it.

It was over.

Just like that.

But he was knocked out and that scared me. They cleaned up and left in 10 minutes. “I’ll be back to check on him.” Dr. Martin said before he left.

‘Wait until I wake up before my mom comes in.’ Ryan had said in a weak voice before he fell asleep. I sighed and text Jesse,

Me: “it’s over.”

Jesse: “ill be over in a few.”

Me: “Kay.”

When Jesse came, he still hadn’t woken up. We sat in the chairs at the end of the bed. But we had moved them next to the bed to face him. I fell asleep holding Jesse’s hand, resting my head on his shoulder. Dollar was resting on the bed next to Ryan.

I woke up to a soft hand on my arm. “Jordyn, wake up.”


“Matt’s outside…”

I opened my eyes, Shane was there, Ryan and Jesse were still asleep.

Without looking at the clock I stood up and walked out. Shane went upstairs. Matt was standing there. He hugged me. “How’s Ryan?”

“Fine, I guess… What time is it?”

“Almost 2.”

“He’s been asleep for a little over 2 hours…. The procedure took 5 minutes….” He hugged me again.

“He’ll be fine.”

“I’m sorry, I should go back in…”

“Yeah, I just came to see how everyone was.”


‘Love you.”

“Love you too.” We hugged and he walked away. I went back in.

2 more hours of waiting, I was drifting off to sleep again when I heard him move. I was wide awake then. When I looked up, he was looking around, and stretching. Jesse woke up. “Ryan?” he turned to me.

“Hey, what time is it?”

“Almost 4.”

“What?” He looked down at his chest, lifting the gauze. He looked at me; worry filled his eyes, “why was I asleep so long?”

“We don’t know.”

He pet Dollar and said hey to Jesse. “I’m glad you’re okay. I love you.”


“It’s okay.”

Jesse spoke, “I know, I’m the one who figured it out and kind of accidentally pushed her to her confession yesterday. Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” he said to Jesse, “I love you too.” We smiled.

“You can let my Mom and Dad come in.”


“I should get going.” Jesse said.

“Thanks for coming.”

“No prob.”

“I’ll walk you up.” We left the room.

When we got up stairs and walked into the living room, “he’s awake, you can go see him.”

They stood up, “thank you.”

“You're welcome.” I smiled and walked Jesse to the door.

“I understand if you won’t be there tomorrow.”

“No, I’ll be there.”

“Okay, just let me know.”

“I will, thank you.” He smiled, I hugged him. He left.

After 20 minutes, his family was convinced he’d be okay. They went home, promising to be back before I left the next day-well morning.

I was able to feed him before he fell asleep again. I took Dollar out, I was really worried. Why was he sleeping so much? I got back inside just in time for the phone to start ringing. “Hello?”

“Hello, this is Dr. Martin.”

“Oh, hello.”

“How is Ryan?”

“He’s fine but he slept till 4 and just fell asleep again. He was awake for an hour…..”

“That’s normal. He will be back to normal by tomorrow.”

“Kay, Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Will do. Goodbye.”

“Bye bye.” I sighed and hung up.

It’s 10- he fell asleep at 6. I worked out for a couple of hours and he still sleeps…. I’ll sleep and hope the Dr. is right….. I mean, I’m glad he’s okay. But I won’t be happy till he’s back to normal.

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