Part 3: A Little Explination

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After a good amount of time, and running, Selux and Tails finally make it to Tails's house...

Tails and Selux are panting and completely out of breath so they sit on the couch, rails looks over at her, completely baffled and curious, "Who are you and what was all the chaos about?" Selux replied, "I-I can explain but... I need to c-catch my breath..." So after some time of resting tails get a cold class of water for him and Selux. Tails handed it to her, "ok, now start explaining, I'm supposed to help Sonic today at 12:45...." Selux sat up, took the cup and put one finger in the water, "ok, ok, fine... but it's a little complicated... Some time ago the cat population was going down due to the plague in South Mobius, the Cat and Dog wars up near the border of North Mobius and people just killing us for our fur... Some people got together and set up a secured village for cats only..." Tails tilted his head confused, "that would explain why cats seem to be rarer but I know a cat that lives by the lake..." Selux replied and continued to explain, "Well they can't locate every cat... but anyway; the village they set up sounds good and all, but I can assure you, it isn't... My family was born there and I'm forced to stay for... special reasons but... I don't like being there..." Tails only got more and more curios and had more and more questions... "Ok, so, cat village was formed and it's not fun, you ran away and they're trying to capture you and bring you back home...?" Selux nodded, "pretty much"

Tails sipped his water, "aren't you going to drink your water?" Selux held up the glass, "I already did..." Tails's jaw fell to the floor and he was confused, "You didn't take a sip! How is it empty?!" Selux sat the glass down and wiggled her fingers and hands and sarcastically said "it's maaaaaagic...." Just as soon as she finished speaking, you could hear Sonic running toward the house Selux panicked and hid under the couch without Tails noticing. Sonic popped in and waved, "Hey Tails! Are you ready to go?" Tails hopped up and smiled excitedly, "Yeah! But first I want you to meet someone I met today!" He pointed over to the couch, but no one was there. Sonic tilted his head, "Uh, Tails...? There's no one there, is this a new imaginary friend?" Tails gasped, "No! I swear! There was someone there!" Sonic was puzzled, "Maybe I should call everyone... After you lost Cosmo you get all these imaginary friends... don't worry buddy! We'll make you better!" and he runs off while contacting Amy and Knuckles.

And now things are going to get interesting    

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