Chapter 1

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I have to admit, I was terrified to go to Hogwarts. What if they didn't like me because I am muggle-born?

"Does it make a difference, being Muggle-born?" I asked my best friend, Severus Snape.

"No. It doesn't make any difference, Lily" He replied. I smiled at him in relief. Of course, I believed him. He knows everything to know about witches and wizards.

I remember when he first told me I was a witch. He explained everything to me. I was fascinated by the wizarding world and everything that had to do with...magic. Everything was truly amazing and I got to be a part of that 'everything'.

~2 years previous~

"What are you doing?" I asked a greasy, long-haired boy hiding behind a bush. I had been swinging on a swing and had jumped off. "Are you spying on me?" I narrowed my eyes. His eyes widened, obviously not expecting me to notice him.

"I wasn't spying!" He said putting his hands up in surrender. I rose an eyebrow at him. "Then what were you doing behind that bush?" I questioned.

You're a witch!" He answered quickly.

"That's not a very nice thing to say! I am not a witch!" He looked startled at how I replied.

"I am a wizard and you are a witch." He said as if it was completely normal to say things like that. I looked at him with curiosity. "What do you mean?" The boy climbed out of the bushes.

"Come with me. I'll explain everything." The boy held out his hand. I looked down at it then back up at him. I reluctantly took his hand. He pulled me away from my house and into the nearby woods. "I'm not allowed to go into these woods." I said as we entered. He stopped running and turned to me. "Do you trust me?" He asked. I thought about it momentarily then nodded my head. He began running with me through the woods. We reached a creek with a small bridge to get across. The bridge led us to a clearing surrounded by a circle of trees. He stopped and let go of my hand. He sat down and I did the same.

"Have you ever done anything? Anything you can't explain?"

I immediately knew the answer. "I can do things that my older sister Petunia can't. When I jump off of a swing, I can make myself slow down before I land. I can make flowers appear out of my hand when I want and control how many petals will be on it. Is that bad?"

"No." The boy smiled "It means you can do magic."

"Magic?" I questioned.

"When you're eleven, you will get a letter from the school, Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Then, you can come with me to Diagon Alley and we can buy magical supplies, like our books and our wands."

"Wands?" I asked beginning to get more excited as he spoke.

"Yes, wands. It is how witches and wizards do magic like spells and things. By the way, my name is Severus, Severus Snape."

"Lily Evans." I replied and smiled.

~end of flashback~

This was how our long friendship began. We would spend hours every day talking excitedly about Hogwarts and Magic. I never told anyone though. My parents had no idea. It was almost like an exciting secret between Sev and I. Yes, Sev was my nickname for him. I was the only one allowed to call him that.

Then, the day of my Hogwarts letter arrived. My parents were very happy. They were so proud to have a witch in the family. Yet, for some reason, my older sister Petunia was upset about it. I could not understand why. We had always gotten along well until my acceptance letter arrived.

"I'm not a freak." I said with tears in my eyes. I was about to leave with Severus to go to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies. "That's a horrible thing to say."

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