Chapter Seven | Eleanor

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"To bad, curly. We're having Chinese food today." I replied with a fake pouty face.

They were all shocked.

I smiled, "I'm just kidding guys. The pizza will be ready in 30 minutes. Now go watch T.V., Okay?"

They all sighed in relief and nodded, heading back to the Living room.

~30 Minutes Later~

"Guys, I'm gonna go and pick up the pizza. " I said, putting on my black TOMS.

"I thought they were gonna bring it here." Zayn said, looking a bit confused.

"Well since all of you guys are here, the pizza deliverer might see you guys and then the deliverer will tell the press where I live, and since I'm suppose to marry Louis, your fans are going to come here and attack me for breaking up Elounor. " I responded.

"She's right. Might as well go pick up the pizza. " Harry added.

I nodded.

"I'll go with you" Louis offered.

"Okay Lou." I said, "Liam, you're in charge of taking care of my house, and making sure the boys don't cause a fire. I really don't want to plan anymore funerals" I added, walking out the door with Louis right behind me.

"Okay Sophie!" Liam shouted, before shutting the door close.

I sat in the passenger seat, while Louis started the engine to our Red Infiniti G37 Coupe. I put my seat belt; Louis copying my actions. Then heading to Pizza Hut. The car ride was quite silent, which made it really awkward.

"I have a feeling you don't want to marry me just yet." He said, breaking the silence.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"It's kinda obvious." He answered.

"Do you know why?" I questioned.

"Is it because you barely know me?"

"Yeah right Tomlinson. I could easily search you up on Google and find out what kind of person you are." I replied.

"You're right, Sophia. What's the reason then?" He asked me.

"Because you seem happier with Eleanor." I simply stated.

He pushed the brakes. "Is that really your answer?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'm positive." I answered sincerely.

"What if I wasn't happy with her, would you marry me?" He asked, looking at me.

"Can we discuss this another time? We're starting traffic." I said looking away.

"Not until you answer me, love." He said, placing his index finger under my chin, making me face him.

"Do you really want an answer?"

He nodded with a smile on his face.

I cupped my hands on his cheeks and brought his lips to mines. I pulled back after a few seconds.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked him, with a smile forming on my lips.

"You can repeat your answer as soon as we get back home because I'm pretty sure the lads are hungry." he said, making his way to pizza hut.

~ a few minutes later ~

"You stay here Louis. I'll go get the pizza. okay?"

"Don't take to long" he responded, before I shut the door and walked inside Pizza Hut.

"Welcome to Pizza Hut. How may I help you?" The lady asked me in a monotone voice.

"I ordered a pizza half an hour ago and I came here to pick it up." I responded.

"What's your full name?" she questioned.

"Sophia Taylor."

"A pepperoni pizza right?"

I nodded.

She went to get a cardboard box with the Pizza Hut logo in the front and placed the pepperoni pizza inside. She came back and handed me the cardboard box.

"That's going to be £5.20" she said.

I nodded, and handed her the money.

"Thank you." I said, giving her a smile.

She smiled back, revealing her pearly whites.

I accidentally bumped into someone on my way out.

"I'm so Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." she apologized, making sure I was okay.

"It's okay don't worry about it." I assured her, before giving her one of my charming smiles.

She smiled back and that's when I recognized her. The girl I just bumped into was Eleanor Calder...


I'm so Sorry I haven't updated in a long while! I've been super busy but guess What? It's summer! I'll try to update everyday, since I don't have a life. Lol, anyways, Thanks for still supporting me. I truly appreciate it. For the next chapter, can I get 8 votes and 5 comments? I really want to hear from you guys. I want to be able to communicate with my readers. So How about a question of the day? Yeah? Okay? Here it goes:  

Where are you guys from? I'm from Florida, How about you guys? Thanks for voting and commenting. :) xx ~ Mrs_Tomlinson143

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