Chapter 24: First move

Start from the beginning

-"You sure?"

-"Why are you worried about that? It's not like I'm anybody you need to impress..."

Connor smirked telling that to Troye, and then added with a sly whisper.

-"I've seen you with a less... proper outfit."

Judging from Troye's cheeks flushing red, and him checking left and right if there was anyone that could have listened, Connor gathered he had taken him by surprise.

-"W-We should go over to the TV room!"—Troye said, walking towards the stairs and gesturing Connor to follow him—"I have to beat your ass in Video Games."

-"That's not too fair."—Connor said shaking his head slightly and following his friend—"You know I've never played Cool of Demons."

-"Call of Duty!"

-"That thing."

-"No buts! I promised I'd show you how, so today you're learning!"

Connor followed Troye upstairs, looking around carefully, and failing to notice if anyone else was at the house. So they really were alone, or so it seemed. Little by little, he thought about what he and Red had discussed, and how it seemed to be going according to plan.

-"My parents are out with friends, and so is Tyde."—Troye commented—"They even left us money to order pizza!"

-"That's cool."—Connor said, smiling to himself, though he secretly wondered why Troye hadn't mentioned what his sister was doing—"... So, what's up with Lia?"

-"Huh? Oh. She's supposed to be visiting relatives today or something—I'm just glad that she's leaving me alone for a weekend..."

Connor raised his eyebrows in surprise, but made no comment. This was the first time Troye complained out loud about his girlfriend, and he was pretty sure it hadn't been on purpose. It was better not to mention it.

The second floor of the house had a large hallway with several doors, and to its direct right there was door that led into a large hall with a gigantic couch and TV, which was placed in a large wooden entertainment station, alongside some picture frames and sculptured. On the very top, there was a Menorah. There was also a colorful oval-shaped carpet on the floor, and a single large window that Connor recognized as one of the ones that was the furthest from the room with the white drapes. This one, like every other window besides that room, had blue

Below the TV there was a device that Connor learnt was a Play Station Four. It was the first time in his life he had laid his eyes on the machine. Well, at least in the flesh. His previous foster parents never bought him or any of the other kids any sort of toys, and video games were the most expensive amongst them. That was one of the main reasons why he never really went about caring them in the first place. Even as a little kid, when he still lived in Minnesota, he was never too fond of his sibling's video game consoles. He was more the type to go out and play in the park, with the other children.

Of course, that kid had been gone for a very long time.

-"Ok! Here goes nothing...!"—Troye said, plunging himself over the big couch and crossing his legs—"Come on, make yourself comfortable. And you can leave your sweat shirt anywhere, it usually gets warm up in here."

Connor obeyed, sitting right to Troye, as the latter turned on the TV and it went directly into the video game. The screen lit up with a green color, with the title of the game followed by the word "Ghosts" displayed on it. Probably the subtitle of the game or something. Connor couldn't pretend to care any less if he wanted to. Instead, he was pondering in his head what was he going to do, and if he was even going to do it. Surprisingly, checking his phone he came across a text from one particular Red. He had told her about that day, and the two of them had been talking about what might have happen because of it. Ever since their "lesson", it had been the elephant in the room.

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