"Stilinski! Get on the field!" Coach yells. He looks over at me as Stiles staggers off. "Jacobs! Get off my bench!"

I look at Scott who looks like I just killed his puppy. I kiss his cheek and start to walk off. "Goodbye, Scott." I whisper.

"Be careful."

"Don't let Derek do anything reckless."

"I won't."

I walk behind the bleachers and climb up the back. I get half way up and the buzzer for the second quarter goes off. I jump down and run to the other side of the field. I climb up on the fence and watch the rest of the game. The second quarter is simple lacrosse. Nothing really going on. I admire Jackson as he plays. I'll be here until the end of the game and I can tell Jackson goodbye. I'd tell him at halftime but it'd ruin his performance. Gerard smiles down on the field making me gulp. His head turns my way and his head cocks to the side.

"Tabitha, can you hear me?" Gerard asks. My eyes accidentally meet his. "Good, you can. Well I have a plan. You get Derek to me, and nobody gets hurt. Get Derek to me before Scott, and I'll release Jackson. You have until 30 seconds left on the clock. Every hour after that I don't have Derek, Jackson kills somebody." He grins at me. "Have a wonderful night, I guarantee Jackson will be glad."

I go to change my eyes, but the buzzer goes off. Halftime. I look over at the parking lot to see a familiar face. I jump off the fence and haul ass over to there. I wrap my arms around Isaac's neck, his wrap around my small frame. He puts me down and kisses me.

"I thought you were going!" I whisper.

"I thought you were staying." He retorts.

"I was only gonna go if all three of you went. I guess now Scott and Stiles are going to hate me. I already told them goodbye."

"What about Jackson?"

"I was waiting until the end of the game, so I wouldn't make the team lose."

"And Derek?"

"I didn't say goodbye, I said I was leaving his pack and I don't know if I'm coming back. I told him that Boyd offered and I said only if Isaac is going and Erica keeps her bitchiness to herself."

"Erica and Boyd already left, or else I'd take you to say goodbye."

"How do you know they left!?!"

"I saw them on my way here, they said they talked to Derek and he had told them off. So they asked me again, and I gave them my final answer."

"Vernon never got to tell me goodbye." Tears start falling. "Now I'll never see my best friend ever again."
Isaac managed to calm me down. After I stopped crying we talked a little, then had a heated make out session in the Chemistry room. (Ironic right?) I sat in the locker room while Isaac quickly got into his uniform to surprise Scott, who he had told he was leaving too. Isaac and I walk out of the locker room and over to the bench. Isaac sits beside Scott and I stand behind him.

"You came to help." Scott beams.

"I came to win." Isaac smirks.

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