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My throat constricts as the air gets thicker. The walls start closing in. My hands shake and my head spins. I pound against the ceiling and let out yet another scream. Tears blur my vision. I pound harder and harder screaming. I kick viciously as a beat harder. I didn't straighten the key rack back up when I scrubbed the walls, so I got punished. My parents' laughter rings through my ears as I try to break free. The cold finally settles in and I give up letting the tears fall.

I always get punished for the stupidest things. I could simply make a floorboard creek and I'd get punished. I always have to cover up where I get hit or kicked so nobody gets suspicious. If anyone were to find out my parents would kill me. Not that it matters anyways. Nobody ever sees me, I'm invisible to everyone else. I'm not being over dramatic either, nobody pays attention. I always sit in the back off the class and never talk. It's best when nobody knows, but you'll still get the shit knocked out of you for trying to be human, so it never really matters.

No one knows what it's like, to be like me.
So I figured I'd start yet another book. I finished Changing Fate, I'm still working on Second Life, and I put Shattered Hearts on hold. All my books will have slow updates now because of school and I have soooooooo much to do know it ain't even funny.

TJ and her storyline along with her parents is the only thing that I own.

TJ and Isaac have a pretty similar backround, but there's a lot more to TJ than you think.

This is based on Season 2 of Teen Wolf.

TJ is Derek's first beta, they just haven't met yet.

~You Know

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