7: Wrench

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I slowly walk down the stairs to the living room. I look around before walking into the kitchen and dig through the fridge. I grab a small piece of bacon from earlier and bite into it. I close the door with my hip and start toward the basement. I unlock it and slowly walk down the stairs. I make my eyes glow and flick out my claws. I swallow the last bit of bacon and let out a low growl. I skip the stair that creeks and slow down. I hold my breath and barely peak around the corner. The clanging of metal is my cue. I jump around the corner and roar. Whatever it is runs away. I walk over to where it was and start investigating. Scales and venom. Kanima.

Meet us at Scott's house. ~ Isaac.
**************************************************(Totally playing teen wolf credit music in my head)**********************************************************
The house is two stories, it looks a lot like mine, except Scott's is more like "home" than mine. The five of us stand in a line. Leather jacket and jean apparel. I stand the farthest from Derek, Isaac on my right followed by Boyd with Erica closest to Derek. My hand on my hip, I've got to keep up this act or else Derek won't tell me anything anymore. I need to know what they're planning so I can help Scott. Derek's arms are firmly folded over his chest, his stone cold gaze never faltering. Erica stands there with her snooty smirk on her face. Boyd with his hands tucked into his pockets, Isaac doing the same but with a cocky smirk.

Stiles and Allison peek out the windows at us. They think I'm on Derek's side, Scott promised that he wouldn't tell. They fall back and start talking, trying to stay quiet.

"Isaac, TJ, go in from the back, distract them so that we can get Lydia." Derek orders.

Isaac and I go around opposite sides of the house, Isaac taking the one closest to the alpha. We creep around the back looking for the door. I mastered this trick years ago, slowly try to turn the handle, if it sticks, it's locked. I slowly grip the handle and start turning, I turn it back and shake my head at Isaac. I flick out my claws and pick the lock before sliding the door open. Isaac walks through first, I walk in behind him, relocking the door behind me.

"Sorry about this Isaac, but, uh-" I whisper before grabbing him and slamming his head into the floor knocking him out cold.

I hear footsteps approaching and shrink away quietly, trying to become unnoticed.

"Scott?" Stiles asks with a confused look on his face. He looks at Isaac laying unconscious on the floor then looks in my direction.

I hold my breath and crawl backwards. I hear Erica get into the house and go upstairs. She's going to kill Lydia. I will myself to leave the house without being noticed. I slowly walk off the porch and over back into the line that only consists of Derek and Boyd. I avoid Derek and stand by Boyd stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"Where's Isaac?" Derek asks.

"He's a bit occupied. I got him in, then hid while he thought that he could just simply waltz in. Long story short, he's not gonna be able to do anything for a while." I reply keeping my eyes locked on the house.

We stand in silence as we watch the house. To unconscious bodies land by our feet.

"I'm starting to see why you keep refusing me Scott. You're not an omega, you're an alpha of your own pack." Derek begins. "But you know that you can't beat me."

"I can still hold you off until the cops get here." Scott retorts.

A familiar hissing sound comes from the roof causing everyone to look up. Scott and Stiles run off the porch and look at the large lizard crawling out of the window.

"Get them out of here." Derek orders Boyd through clenched teeth. Boyd drags Erica and Isaac to Derek's car and speeds off.

"Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on!?!" Lydia pleads marching out of the house.

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