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Zodiac Compatibility - Michael:

Aries – The Hero
One of the most passionate matches in the zodiac, due to both being ruled by Mars, they are very passionate individuals, and even more so when they are together. This would be a relationship that is more on the physical level then emotional or intellectual. Both are very loyal signs, which would please Scorpio Michael since he wants a very loyal mate and wanting to feel loved, which wouldn't be a problem for his Aries mate to provide. Unfortunately, this relationship seems to be short term, but with effort and a lot of compromise can be long term. However even if it is a short relationship, it will still be one of the best relationship they will have, full of passion and romance one can only imagine in stories and movies. Their clashing natures will actually be a benefit. Aries being a fire element, would be able to draw out Scorpio Michael from his reserved nature and him being a water element would be able to ground his hot headed Aries mate. In bed however, their act of love is aggressive and intense, but they secretly like it, sexual tension is a thing between them that at times it's almost tangible. Their arguments would be a stalemate, since both are a bit stubborn and neither liking to admit that they are wrong...even when they are, always in a state of denial. But for this couple to work communication is key.

Taurus – The Lover
This relationship would be on a physical level then emotional or intellectual, due to Taurus being a sensual zodiac and Scorpio Michael being passionate one, but nothing wrong with that at all. Taurus being straightforward with their feelings would easily make Scorpio Michael feel loved, wanting to express it in touches and words; it would for sure ease his possessive side and convince him of his mate's loyalty. Opposites definitely attract when it comes to this relationship. This pair can be a bit more destructive match, then the other zodiac matches, since both are so possessive of their significant other and natural jealous nature. But once a good communication and trust is made between the two...they can for be set on a long term relationship. Both are stubborn by nature, but it's nothing a good night together can't fix, for sure a more physical attachment then emotional. Both are possessive of each other, but it works since loyalty is a big factor for you both. Both are the missing pieces, just need to know how to piece them together.

Gemini – The Communicator
This would be a difficult relationship to maintain but not impossible to keep if both are willing to try to make it work. Gemini being a more sociable person can be a problem for reserved Scorpio Michael who wants to spend a lot of time with their Gemini mate and not surrounded by people, he prefers alone time then social time, which could be a problem since Gemini love socializing. But despite that huge difference it could work, while Scorpio Michael gets his alone time, his Gemini partner would spend time with their friends and when they reunite they would be very loving to one another. Jealousy would be an issue in this relationship since Scorpios are very jealous and possessive doesn't like his Gemini mate spending so much time socializing with others, and Gemini being a Wind sign doesn't like feeling tied down or owned by anyone. But Gemini being a good communicator that problem can easily be resolved once both sit down and talk about their feelings. This would be a very passionate relationship in the bed as well, since Scorpios are passionate by nature.

Cancer – The Homemaker
This is probably one of the best and sweetest matches out there in the zodiac, despite Scorpio's rough nature. Both Scorpio and Cancer can easily fall into a relationship, since both have a lot in common, from their ways of thinking, their emotional priority, to their idea of how to express love. There would definitely be an emotional attraction from the time they meet. Both would have a silent connection that both would allow them to know what their partner is feeling without them even saying it, since both are water elements and emotions are their forte. Both would have a great emotional connection that would others would envy. While Scorpios are jealous by nature, which the other zodiac may find too possessive, Cancers will love it, it would make Cancer feel loved and cared for, which is something that they crave in a relationship. Cancer being lovable and nurturing would be what Scorpio needs, to feel cared for, to soften their darken nature, and actually like their Cancer partner's clingy side, to a certain extent. They would be strongly loyal to each other, since both want emotional stability and security in a relationship. Scorpios tend to want to be the dominate one in a relationship, something that Cancers don't mind giving, and at times drawn to the strong nature of a Scorpio. In the bedroom, you can expect them to very loving and sensual, his cancer partner showing him the love that he wants and Scorpio Michael giving the attention that Cancer wants, but that could easily be as passionate as well as loving, since Scorpios tend to provide a lot of passion in a relationship. Basically a good match with few problems, compared to the other zodiac matches.

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