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Hello people .............

First of all I'd like to apologize to you all for my late updation of the story as I was caught up with my school work and a few exams ....

And second of all I'd like to thank all the people who are reading my story and supporting me , I'd just like to clarify one thing that I'm new to Wattpad and I certainly do loooovveee writing but then every author needs a tad bit of motivation and inspiration , don't you feel ?

So I request you to vote , comment and follow me , pretty pleajjjj......?!!

And now after my boring lecture , I'll come to the interesting part of the news I've brought for you !!

I'm changing the book's name . And from now on it will be called as........


And the meaning of it is " the act of loving the ones who love you ; a love returned in full "

I certainly do hope you guys like it and I swear I'll make this story the one you all will enjoy the most !! And I've prepared a new cover too !!

I'd like to bring to your notice that I've chosen an Indian actress for the role of Shanaya - as she is an Indian in the story and I think it'll give it a more of an Indian touch !

[ This idea of an enchanting love story of an Indian girl and an American Billionaire just flashed through my mind and I want to clarify to all of you who have felt like I am emphasizing more on the Indian values and insulting the foreign women that, that is not what I mean and I'm a very sane human being and I beleive that we are all called human beings for our humanitarian nature and I love everyone on this amazing earth ...]

Forget that , sometimes I can become insane tooo...!! ;-)

And I'd love to ask all of you a little favour , I thought of changing my hero too and I'd love it if I got your suggestions too ..........

I thought of NICK BATEMAN ........I swear I'm drooling .........!! Sexy isn't he ??

But .....if you guys give me better choices , let's see........

Last but not the least I'd like to tell all of you that you guys an certainly make sexy banners and help me out a bit !!

Thank you sooo much , guys....!!



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