20: desperate calling

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yusana: hey...

hijikata looked up from his paperwork " yusana? What's the matter? You have that serious face. "

yusana: .... actually... Black rose base jut got burned down. For now, we don't have a place to do or operations temporarily. Do you know of any places?

hijikata: I thought you would have gone to that rotten guy first.

yusana: tried. But as you said, he is rotten. So? Do you?

hijikata: .... there is a place we just raided last week. It should be still empty.

yusana: arigato.





hijikata: who did this to you guys? Didn't... yorui come back to check or something?

yusana: ..... she was the one who burned our base. 

hijikata: I see.

yusana: no one was burned.

hijikata: you make it sound like she didn't burn anyone on purpose.

yusana: no one was inside. It was our planned celebration of the recent job we had done. That idiot... what is she trying to do.

hijikata lights up his cigarette " who knows? I am leaving."

yusana: hijikata.

He stops in his steps " what's the matter? " 

yusana: do you still love her?

hijikata: ..... it hurts.

yusana: I see....


Yorui was walking in the streets with several bodyguards behind her. She was wearing a yukata. Hijikata was in a police car and saw her... He wanted to ignore that he saw her...

hijikata pov:

I wanted to... I had decided to ignore I even saw her. Ignore that... tsk that face she is making. I turned the car around and stopped in front of her. She too stopped in her steps. I got down the car and instructed my men to drive away first.

hijikata: hey.

yorui: toshiro... I mean hijikata....san


yorui: urusei. I can handle this. I am from the black rose. I could kill you guys off easily if I wanted to.

" but the boss said..."

yorui: I will return. I promise. I won't run.

"... hai." and the men left.

yorui: how's your day? hijikata-san? Catch any bad guys? Yusana is still helping you right?

hijikata: if you care so much, then return. They will always wait for you.

yorui: those sticky assholes. I am not that important. Yusana will do well as a leader. She always had it in her.

hijikata: how is your life? I heard you are marrying that kirishi. And even a yukata...

I could tell she is forcing a smile " hai. Arigato for the concern. " 

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in hugging her " don't fake smile me. You are crying on the inside aren't you? Don't lie.What hijikata-san. I am toshiro. " I could hear snifflings " toshiro...I... Remember me always ok? " She pushes me away and turns away from me.

She faces me again with a blank face that I had saw just now " I have to leave. Before my fiancee gets gossip about me being an unfaithful fiancee. The katari blood can't afford bad reputation."

hijikata: are you going to abandon me like that?

She ignores my calls and continues walking.

Please love meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon