12: the katari

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Kondou: a vip member is visiting us today toshi.

Hijikata: is that so?

Kondou: I heard from the old man, he's quite of high status.

Hijikata: high status?

Kondou: in money and in power over the business area. Quite an authoritative figure.

Hijikata: eh... What is a guy like him doing here?

Yamazaki comes running in " fukuchou!! He's come. "
Hijikata: welcome to the shisengumi.

" I believe I've announced my arrival before. "

Hijikata: hai katari-san.

Katari: so you know my name. So you must also know why I'm here.

Hijikata: no actually.

Katari: hahaha... Did she never tell you?

Hijikata: she?

Katari: that idiot didn't. How dare she be ashamed of the bloodline she has. It is of the most glorious status she has.

Hijikata: I'm sorry...

Katari: yorui.

Hijikata's eyes widens...

Katari: I believe you've heard of this name.

Hijikata: your relationship with her is?

Katari: she's my daughter. The only one.

" father... Are you done? "

Katari: please, meet my adopted son. Katari kirishi .

Hijikata: what business do you have with us shisengumi?

Katari: not much. I just need guards for five days.

Hijikata: someone of your status can surely hire people more capable as us.

Katari: I want to test the capability of the shisengumi.

Hijikata clenches his fist at his handle of his blade " we're too much inferior than you thought. Gomen nah. "

Katari: I like to give chances. Plus... That person agreed already?

The phone rings and it was that old man that they know " ooiiiii!!! Protect katari-san. " - beep -

Hijikata: I guess I have no choice.

Katari-san stretches out his hand for a hand shake " let's be nice to each other. " Hijikata takes it " ah. "

Kondou: toshi...

Sougo: if we're in deep shit because of you, I get to kill you right?

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