Chapter 9

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*Jamie's POV*

I got completely pissed as I watched Nicole sit around the pool area with Louie, Liam and Niall! Not only did she have Harry, now she had the other members too? This is complete bull! Nothing was going my way and I knew I had to do something about this!

Nicole pov*

I laughed and clapped my hands as Liam did a backflip into the pool, lightly splashing me until I heard a commotion coming from the pool entrance. Storming

Straight to us was Jamie, arms folded across her chest and literally stomping her way straight towards as looking more than angry. I sighed not prepared for what tantrum she was about to throw.

"I finally steal Harry away from you; I finally get exactly what I want and now all of the sudden I see you sitting here with these them? How is that even fair? How does that even work?! Why? You a nobody, and do nothing and still get attention, while I do all the hard work, I do everything! I'm the hot one and I get nothing? You sit there just twiddling your thumbs and I have to sit here looking as cute as I do and I have to work for every single thing?? I finally get what I want and here you, showing up to kill my joy!" Jamie ranted.

"Maybe it's because I'm not such a snobby, selfish slut like you Jamie." I said getting upset. "What did you call me?" Jamie asked stepping closer to me. "Now, now ladies let's not argue at the pool," Louis smiled coming in between us. "Stay out of this Louie!" Jamie said pushing Louie.

"Wait hold up now don't push him!" Liam said coming out of the pool. "Look this is between me and Nicole. Nicole you need to leave, go disappear into your room until the final Bash is over, if you do that, if you don't take my sunshine away from me I won't even show these little pictures of you kissing Harry to your parents or to anyone or leak anything to the press you know what I have on both of you, you know what I could do." she smirked. "You know what Jamie, I don't even care if you tell my parents that I kissed Harry or that I've sneaking off with Harry, I will happily confess it to everybody that I've been doing all of that and that I absolutely adore Harry," I freaking love Harry freaking styles. Deal with it. I am an adult, I am happy and that's it. I'm not doing anything wrong, Harry isn't doing anything wrong, we aren't doing anything wrong, none of us are doing anything wrong except for you Jamie so why don't you back off." I yelled.

"Alright then you know what, that little rant that you just did well that was kind of cute but no avail so I guess you leave me no choice but to literally spill the beans." Jamie smiled. "And you know what Jamie it seems like I have no choice but to spill the beans too," harry said coming from behind Jamie.

He was shaking his phone and play playing back a video of Jamie and I's entire conversation by the pool. "How did you... where were you? Harry what are you doing?" Jamie asked shocked. "This was your entire conversation at the pool including you pushing Louie, now I actually just uploaded it on our official YouTube page, so it's actually posted right now for the world to see. So instead of you going out to the press and tell everybody's business and things like that, it looks like your business has been leaked and now instead of being liked you are now officially on everyone's shit list. I wouldn't dare read the comments on YouTube or even log onto my Instagram, twitter, Facebook...whatever account I have if I were you babe." He smirked. "Looks like we won't need to record on the yacht after all, this silly goose just blown her own cover," Louis tried to whisper.

"But...but...Harry, it's supposed to be you and me." Jamie whined. "Fortunately for my sanity its Nicole and I." Harry said, coming to hug me. I blushed when he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. "This...this so isn't over!" Jamie yelled. "Um...yes it is Jamie!" A loud voice boomed out. Jamie turned around and came face to face with both hers and my own parents. "I've seen the entire thing and you know what I am highly disappointed in you, I expected way more from you and I cannot believe what you've been doing this entire time. As of right now you are grounded and you are forbidden to go to the final bash tomorrow." her dad said sternly. "Dad you can't." Jamie started. "Yes I can and I just did let's go." he said. Jamie started crying and then actually followed her father. I turned around and hugged Harry. I turned back around and looked at my parents. My dad looked at him flatly while my mom smiled and winked at me. I smiled back at her shyly. Happy that everything was finally out in the open and falling into place.

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