Chapter 6

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Harry took me out to the private beach. Candles were lit and on a giant projector the movie "13 going on 30" was playing. "You did this for me?" I asked looking at him. "All for you," he smiled. I smiled back at him. "I know it's only been a few days but I do feel something for you, I'm not going to rush anything or do anything to make either of us uncomfortable but I would like to know that after all of this, after this vacation... Could we still talk on the phone? Hang out; you could possibly come to one of my shows." Harry suggested. "I'd love that... So much," I said wrapping my arms around him hugging him tightly.

"Good... Me too." He whispered. I pulled away thinking I heard a noise behind me somewhere in the bushes. "You okay?" He asked before brushing my hair back. "I thought I heard something," I admitted still looking around. Harry looked around. "This is a private beach; nobody else is here but us. It's probably just the wind," he said. "Maybe you're right." I said hoping he was right. I pulled my sweater closer as the wind blew a little. "Cold?" He asked. "I was for second," I replied. Harry tilted my chin up and looked into my eyes and then kissed me. I unwrapped myself from him and ran my hands through his hair. It was getting heated so I pulled away. "I think we should watch the movie now," I said somewhat breathless and shy. Harry chuckled, "As you wish," he smirked.

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