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Sometimes my life feels like a circle,
a never ending,
on going,

and I don't know how to
stop it,
or change it,
or break it.

when I finally come close, it starts all over again. a whirlwind, tornado, set out to destroy me.

sometimes things begin to get better. life falls to a new rhythm, a new normal.
and it may not be the best, but I've made peace with it;

and it feels like, almost, I might be happy. maybe I can write my own story, start from scratch, forget all the past.

but then of course,
someone else makes a choice,
and leaves me alone,
to figure it out.

and when I finally come close, it starts all over again.

when I close my eyes,
and see my life,
the life I've always imagined,
I see something different,
than what I see now.

you see what I do, but forget why. you've forget my pain.

I explode inside,
sometimes slowly,
sometimes all at once,
but always eventually.

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