28. In Our City After One War- Lloyd

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Hey guys! Party's over and its time for new suggestions! Thank you! The first suggestion was asked by @Dazzling_Wisp2128! They want Lloyd to sing In Our Bedroom After The War By Stars! Here we go!

Start up!

Say good morning to that Metal Nindroid sleeping above you

If there's no guy there,

then there's no guys there,

but very least the war is finally over

It's us- yes, Ninjago's back again,

here to seek justice, 'til the world ends

And if the evil comes, and the evil will come, well at least one war is over

Tilt your head and look out my window

Stay this way for the rest of the today and watch the time blow

Listen! The people sing! Listen! The city rings!

All the Good are Evil, and the Evil are all Good

One war is over and we are uprising...

Headlock on the highway now, the television guy is here to kick us out

Ninjago fades to glow, it's off to fight we go, but at least one war is over

They're gone, They wooshed before we spoke, as we trained last night, neither of us loathed

Missions, TV, Bread, the emptiness filled with dead, but at least one war is over

Tilt your head and look out my window

Stay this way for the rest of the today and watch the time blow

Listen! The people sing! Listen! The city rings!

All the Good are Evil, and the Evil are all Good

One war is over and we are uprising...

We won, or we thought we did,

when Chen spirited away, we were just amid

And if you fought it all, and you fought it,

We were still quite fair when the war was over

Tilt your head and look out my window

Stay this way for the rest of the today and watch the time blow

Listen! The people sing! Listen! The city rings!

All the Good are Evil, and the Evil are all Good

One war is over and we are uprising...

Here we come! Here comes a new day! Here we come! Here comes a new day!

It starts up in our city after one war

After one war! After one war...

Hey guys! I just wanna thank everyone who are my new Wattpad friends and everyone who's been supporting Ninjago Parodies! I wasn't too sure I'd be "Popular" or anything, but luck comes in some way, obviously!

No new suggestions until the next two! Thanks!

Miki Da Ninja

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