"The Fates? You're a Fate!" The color drained from Silvia's face.

"I am Lachesis. For my sins I was cast from my perch above the heavens. I wanted a better life for you wolves. So much so I rewrote history. My job was to assign fates to people. I did not make these fates, I gave them the fates they were destined to have. One day I decided to change that. It did not matter that I was the oldest of the fates. It did not matter that I have the power to extend lives. The only thing that matters is that I was cast out for my sins, much like Lucifer."

"Are you saying the devil is real?" My heart cringed in my chest.

"That is a story for another time my young one. Right now you are needed elsewhere. Someone is calling for you. They need you to end their suffering, but not their lives. You will know who it is when you see them. This is your fate. He is your fate. So not question this fate for it is not a fate I have written, but one my sisters up above have. They are trying to re-write history. Just hope they remember to write you into their plans. I love you, dear child. You are everything I hoped you would be." With that she was gone and I was left wondering what she meant. Seconds later I heard the call. The scream of pure terror.

I ran to the noise, hoping over the dead bodies at my feet. I knew deep inside me that whoever was calling needed help. They needed me. I don't know why I put so much trust into the words that Silvia told me. Was it because I was the first person she had told her secret to? That she had chosen me to reveal her identity to? I had no idea. On my way I saw Casey fighting a rogue. He seemed to have the upper hand so I didn't deter my path to go help him. He was quite capable of fighting. He was an Alpha after all.

I could feel the pain in my chest with every step I took. I slowed down and sat next to a body so I could inspect the damage. I cringed at the sight. My ribs were bruised. They were a sickening color of black and purple, the first few stages of healing underway. I pulled my shirt back down and hissed at the contact, getting back up more slowly than was safe in a battle zone. I continued on my journey, the wailing still very loud and easy to follow.

A sent hit me before I got there. One that was heavenly. It was the smell of mint and woods. I had always loved the smell of mint and I could tell that this scent was radiating off of a male. My anticipation ate at me as I grew closer to the scent, the man. I was almost there, I could sense it. I stepped into a cleared area, one where the tents had been recently torn down. I spotted a man lying in the middle of the area, dead bodies surrounding him in every direction. I crept closer, instantly wary of the man lying there obviously in agony. Why hadn't anyone finished him off? Was his wailing just a ploy to get people to approach him so he could kill them? If it was I had to admit, it wasn't a horrible tactic. From the body count I could tell it was at the very least affective.

As I grew closer I recognized who he was. He wasn't a fighter from Casey's pack. He wasn't a fighter from my own. He was a member of Dion's and Darcy's group. How did I know this? Because Darcy was the one lying there in the middle of those bodies. Darcy was my mate.

~Casey's POV~

"Where is she?" I screamed, looking for an ally. I needed someone to help me search for Lucie but the only people I could find were foes that needed to be killed.

"Where's Lucie?" I shouted again. I needed to find her. I could sense something was wrong with her. Her mind wasn't sending out the right wave links. It didn't feel right and it didn't feel natural.

"Lucie!" I called out again, rounding a corner, hitting someone and knocking them over. Bowen. Maybe he had seen her.

"Bowen, have you seen Lucie? I haven't been able to find her for hours. The battle's almost won, but I can't seem to find her anywhere. You don't think this battle was just a ploy for Dion to get Lucie and run, right?"

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