“I’ll change in your office then,” I mumbled.

  “Good boy.”

  Good boy? What the hell?

  When we walked back in people stopped their conversations straight away and the room fell silent as everyone’s eyes turned to me. I'm the centre of attention again, great.

  I took my seat next to Kyle but we didn’t speak to each other because of the whole Ellie thing so it was a really boring form and I knew it would just be the start of a very long day.


  At lunch I caught up with Beth and we had a bit of a talk without any of the other guys listening in. It was a really great talk but she didn’t mention anything about getting raped or the guy who did it. Even though I really want her to tell me, part of me doesn’t because I knew I’ll spill out the fact that I've been through it too. And the truth is I don’t want anyone to know about that, so I understand why she doesn’t want to tell me.

  “So, what did you and Jake do last night?” she asked, changing from the topic we were on because she could see some nosy year nine girls approaching us.

  “Not much. We talked and stuff.”

  “You surprise me sometimes Zack,” she giggled.


  “We talked and stuff,” she giggled trying to do my accent. “You’re the only male who has ever answered me like that.”

  I shook my head at her, completely understanding what she was getting at. But I knew Jay wouldn't have told her anything so she was just stating a fact. Not many guys say they just talked, simple.

  “So, what did you do last night?” I asked.

  Her face dropped and she started to look really upset. Something’s happened.

  “What happened?” I asked softly. “You can tell me. I’ll help,” I promised her.

   “Nothing happened,” she sighed. “I just hanged around with Kyle.”

  “He didn’t mention it,” I said, knowing that that wasn't the problem.

  “Well, you two aren’t on speaking terms right now, are you?”

   I nodded lightly at her then starting to look for Ky. I wasn't surprised when I saw him sitting over with Jake and Ellie but I have no idea how he can do it though. He slept with his best mate’s girlfriend and now he’s acting like it never happened.

  I noticed the little looks they were giving each other. Ellie was clearly trying to make him jealous and it was definitely working. Kyle obviously wanted her; I can only hope that he’ll stay strong for the sake of our friendship.

  “Did he tell you why we’re not speaking?” I asked her.

  “He said it was personal,” she grinned and then pulled a puppy dog face.

  “I'm not going to tell you,” I whispered into her ear before standing up and heading over to everyone else.

  At first I just sat there and listened to their conversation, I tried to get involved but I didn’t really find the topic that interesting. So I lay down in the sun just behind them and closed my eyes.

  The last person I looked at before I shut my eyes was Beth and I had a feeling that was what caused the visions of the night I was attacked to flood back at me.

  It was a really dark night and I’d been out in this club that I shouldn’t have been in and I started mixing with the wrong guys. They gave me drugs and, quite honestly I took them without thinking twice. I know I was drunk but even if I wasn't I would have took them because drugs use to be a way for me to escape from the real world and just feel free.

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