"Lana, he lives a block down the road..." she rose an eyebrow. "And since when do you ever go a day without him."

"No." I spoke too quickly. "He went away that's why...I think he mentioned something about a health trip."

She looked at me a little confused and I could tell my lie wasn't convincing her. "You have the same classes, why didn't you go?"


I bit my lip, searching my brain for any possible answers.

"Oh. Its only for the boys. We have ours soon."

"Oh... Alright then. Well why don't you go and prepare the table for me for dinner," she smiled. I knew she knew something was wrong and she would ask questions later. I had to make up a lie or half heartedly tell her the truth.

I ended up sending El to set the table whilst I took a shower. I felt as if I was trying to scrub off Harry from me but it was nearly impossible. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his eyes teared up when I straight up rejected him. Maybe I was too harsh on him. Maybe I wasn't. I mean, he did basically betray me and dissed me in so many ways...but I wasn't any better. I knew Harry had a habit of saying things he didn't mean when he was angry.

Like on my 7th birthday, I accidentally spilled my juice on his new shirt and he cussed me out. Well he basically said something along the lines of 'Lay, you doodie head! You ruined my new shirt you bum hole. I hate you!"

I cried for 10 minutes straight.

I don't know why I never forgot about that, it kind of had always just imprinted in my brain permanently.

I mentally smiled at the memory of him calling me Lay until we were about 15. That was around the time he began to get a little more popular because puberty blessed him. It had been different hearing him call me that again today.

"Lana! Move your ass downstairs, dinners ready!" I heard a familiar voice. My eyes widened when I recognised it. She had a strange high pitched voice for someone her age. El and I would always make fun of her for it and she would attempt to beat us up but always got busted by dad.

I turned off the shower and hurriedly applied lotion on body before dressing in sweats and El's incredibly small t-shirt. I swung the door open to come face to face with Lauren. She gave me a wide grin before embracing me in a tight hug but I didn't bother to hug her back. She pulled away completely oblivious to that and stood back to examine me.

"Hey! I've missed you, you know." She smiled, revealing her perfectly white (bleached) teeth. I nodded my head with a frown on my face and began to make my way downstairs.

I walked into the dining room to see my family, including mum, dad, Eli, Alex and Lauren's boyfriend Matt sat around the table. They all looked up at me as Matt jumped out of his seat and put his tattooed arms around me. I laughed at how tightly he was hugging me but he still gave good hugs.

"How are you Latex?" He asked, referring to my old nickname I absolutely hated. I playfully shoved his shoulders and went to give my dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi dad,"

"Hello gorgeous," he smiled, giving me a wide grin which very much resembled Lauren. I walked to Alex and gave him a kiss too before sitting next to him and El on an empty seat. Lauren followed and sat next Dad and Matt. Mum looked up to me who was seated next to Matt and El.

"Bet you weren't expecting to see them so soon huh?" She smiled. I faked one back to her and focused my attention on the food in front of us, avoiding the stares I was receiving from Lauren. We held hands and prayed before digging into the bolognese and a side salad. It surprised dad that I only half filled my plate considering I was known as the pig of the family.

"You alright Lana? You've barely touched your food tonight." Dad spoke through food in his mouth. It was a bad habit of his. Mum would usually smack him or kick him under the table if he chewed with his mouth open but this time her attention was on me. I knew she could read my emotions that I wasn't okay. I nodded my head and pretended to fill my fork up to please my dad. He gave me a small smile and resumed to talk to Matt about his job, which I completely zoned out of.

"Lana, it's for you." Lauren handed me the home phone, breaking me from my daze. I looked up to her giving me a smile but I didn't return the favour. I took the phone from her hands and placed it on my ear.

"Hey it's Lana," I spoke into the phone. I was expecting to hear Harry or something but instead I was greeted with a softer yet still deep voice.

"Hey Lana, how are you?" He asked. A smile began to appear on my face as I excused myself from the stares I was receiving from my family around the table. I walked outside into the backyard and sat on the porch.

"I'm good Cal, how are you?"

"I'm great as always!" He cheered. He always seemed to be happy, no matter the circumstance. "Hey, I noticed you left the Rose behind. Do you want me to come by tomorrow to give it to you?"

I awed at him. It was really sweet of him to drive all the way here just to give me a rose. I could very much tell he was nervous by the breathing on the other side of the call. I glanced at the shimmers from the pool as a smirk grew on my face.

"Actually, are you busy tomorrow night?" I asked, switching ears.

"Does watching Netflix and eating frozen dinner count as busy?" He responded amusingly. I lightly chuckled at him and shook my head, although he could not see me.

"Would you like to come to a barbecue at my house tomorrow? We are having one and I'd really love it if you came." I beamed. I could practically hear the grin form on his face when he responded.

"That would be awesome! Thanks for inviting me. Does your mum like chocolate?"

"Well yeah but you don't need to bring anything,"

"Well I am so no point in arguing. Hey listen, I gotta go pick up my little brothers in from work but I'll text you later alright?"

"Yep. Bye!" I said lastly before hanging up. I smirked to myself when I realised what this meant.

This will totally make Harry mad.

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