He nodded. "Okay, I'll hold you up to it."

"Just give me an advance notice. My card is full for the next few weeks." she winked at him, making his gut churn with butterflies.

He needed to get out quick.

"Cool. I'll see you."

"See you." he slowly walked away, turned again and watched her continue picking up the room.


It was the night of the party and they were a ball of nerves. Including Zayra and she wasn't even performing. They had gotten better over the past few days. She saw their drive. Josh had began to lead and Ryan follow, even though Ryan was the better musician.

They had decided on the five songs to play for tonight and just in case a few more.

The party was at restaurant they had booked for their anniversary. It had a dance floor and an area for a band/DJ to set up. They were supposed to open up for a band that covered mostly The Door songs. The parents favorite.

Angie walked up to them as they began to move the equipment. Ryan brought his drums from home and his amp. Josh brought his guitar and secretly brought a violin hoping, no praying Zayra would join. He was super nervous. This was their first gig and he didn't want to suck.

Zayra noticed the violin and shook her head.

"Hey guys, thanks for making it." Angie's green eyes sparkled.

"Of course, well thanks again for letting us do this." Ryan quickly said smiling. "You know Josh and Zayra right?"

She nodded, she had Zayra for a couple of classes. "Yeah of course. Hello." she looked at Josh and smiled, her color changing.

Zayra caught this.

"They're excited to play for your family."

"We're excited too. You can set up over there. We'd like you guys to start after dinner is that cool?"

"Yeah don't sweat it."

Ryan said as he walked toward the area she pointed at. Angela Vance family and Ryan's had been friends for almost 10 years. He pretty much had known her his whole life. Her family had a produce company that distributed around the world. They were what Ryan's family would consider new money.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"yeah sure." Josh said.

"I'll be right back." she bit her lip.

Zayra decided to like her.

"Hey can you tell me where the ladies room is?"

"Sure, I'll take you." she walked with Zayra in silence.

"Soo, how long have you known Josh?"

And so it begins, thought Zayra.

"Not long, a few weeks. How long have you known Ryan?"

"For ever it seems. Our parents are friends." she gave her a small smile.

She nodded.

"So are you part of their band?"

"No, I'm their music teacher."

"Oh, wow really. That's cool. I wished I knew how to play an instrument."

"Well if you want to learn, let me know, I give lessons." she had went inside a stall and was talking to her from behind the door.

"Well I'll think about it." she said hesitantly. "I'm not really that good."

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