It's The Same Blood

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"He'll meet you at Bosgrove and Northbridge."

Annabeth had been told by her father. She had no idea what to expect honestly. Her cousin Magnus had been missing for more than a year, and today she would finally see him. Emotions were running throughout her. For some reason she was even afraid. What if the Magnus Chase that she'd see wasn't the Magnus Chase she knew? What if he had changed extremely? Her mind raced as she checked her watch, 2:10pm. She taps her foot on the sidewalk sighing.

Magnus rubbed hs hands together for warmth. Why was it aways so chilly? He was suppose to see Annabeth for the first time in a while in about twenty minutes. He had thought about bailing out, just not showing up. Hiding back into the shadows. But that'd be too cruel. And he ws actually a bit curious to see how his cousin was doing. What would she think of him? How would she react when she saw his old ragged (yet still very comfy) clothes? What if she said he smelled? He can't help but smile as he imagines Annabeth putting her hands on hips and making a face and saying- but no. He couldn't imagne it. It had been too long. Did her eyes still crinkle at the sides a tiny bit when she smiled? Or was that just a thing she used to have? Did she still smile smugly at people after making sarcastic remarks? But one of the most important things, was she taller than him?

Annabeth bites her bottom lip and fiddles with her nails. A lady asks if she's waiting for a date or someone special.

"Oh no, I'm just meeting a family member here." Annabeth smiles, thinking about how she was going to see just how family Magnus actually was.

"That's great sweetie, have a lovely rest of your day!" The woman said walking off.

'What a strange woman...' Annabeth's eyes follows the lady as she walks along the sidewalk. Her curiosity starts getting the best of her as she slowly starts following the woman. (A/N: don't ask why...)

Magnus was now just a block away from where he was meeing Annabeth. What did people do when they meet up with someone they haven't seen in a while? Hug? Shake hands? Magnus barely interacted with human beings, seen as most of them had pretty awful souls in his eyes. Would... would Annabeth be like that? Would Annabeth take one look at him and then walk away with disgust? He didn't know much about humans, but he knew what being hurt felt like. As he begins walking up the hill running along to the sidewalk, hs heart begins to beat faster. Why was he so excited for ths all of a sudden?

Annabeth had no idea what this woman was doing. Every few steps she'd check in her purse and mutter some words in another language, none that sounded familar to Annabeth. Suddenly Annabeth remembers her meeting and checks her watch. It reads 2:38pm. Crap, she was suppose to be there eight minutes ago. She gives up on the woman and jogs to where Magnus should be waiting.

She wasn't there. She didn't show up. She bailed him.

"I thought families were suppose to be there for each other..." he mutters starting to turn to walk away. Then he hears a voice. At first he doesnt know who it belongs to, but then a spark is lit in his memories.

"Magnus! MAGNUS!" Yells Annabeth.

Magnus quickly turns his head and sees Annabeth running towards him. How'd she know it was him?

Annabeth runs towards Magnus. He hadn't changed much. When she reaches him she smiles widely but surprises him with a hard punch in the chest.


Magnus rubs where she punched him, "Calm down! Gosh, you disappear one time and then everyone hates ya."

Yet she could she tears forming in her eyes.

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