Chapter 2: gone bowling

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I was in the car going towards mr.leigh's i just couldnt stop moving. Then my mom said "ohh, someone's impasient. i thought yesterday you said you didnt need him"

i answered "well mom he's fun to hang around"

"i know i really liked his company when i was smaller , i think he's the same as before" I smiled thinking of  mom hugging him when she did yesterday she never hugged anyone except me  maybe she had a crush on him in High School . We got to his house i quickly gave my mom a kiss in the cheek . and almost ran outside wondering what i was gonna do today.i knocked and almost immediately Mr.Leigh opened the door he was dressed in a white T-shirt and black jeans . 

I stared at him and said "where are you going?"

then he answered "me, we are going bowling " ."really" i said ."yeah, come on" he headed me to his car . when i saw i was astonished he had a Lambourghini. Then i noticed his other cars the one we were going to go right now wasthe cheapest there. he popped in the drivers seat and i sat on the backseat.

Afterr like 8 minutes of driving he stopped , i looked out the window and i saw the most expensive bowling place in our city. we came out and i said "oh,oh i forgot to bring money , im so sorry to ruin your day, dumb me"

then he said "play it cool man i will pay i invited you though" i said "thanks Mr.leigh"

"call me Rolland ,ok"

"ok" . so we headed inside and he payed. i thanked him again. i grabbed some shoes. then we went  to play near the end . after a few plays he was winning. then my turn again  i grabbed the bowling ball i was checking how i will throw it when i turned around and saw Rolland stairing at my butt biting his lips.weird. so i throwed the bowling ball like i didnt saw anything weird.  so i sat back again, we were having alot of fun cracking jokes and everything. then my stomach growled. i blushed clearly embarrased.then he said" wait here while i bring something to eat"

"ok" i said. he left minutes later he came with a bag he opened it and gave me a hamburger , fries and a coke . then he also ate his food. when we both finished.i turned around and he saw me and he said"you've got something in your cheek.... dont worry ill get it. He then brushed his thumb on my cheek when he pulled his thumb away i noticed i had, had ketchup. i expected to clean his thumb in a napkin. but instead he licked his thumb. more weird. so he said "lets play again alright"

"ok" i said . then we started bowling again.

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