Part 2| First Ecounter

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While these 7 young girls were spending time picking strawberries from their bush, minding their own business...
' Really Elinor why put a force field up?' Thought Robin questioning her teamate.
" Hello sweetheart, who may not know us yet." Proudly declared a deep but femimine voice slowly becoming visible to the human eye, " We are the Element 4, meet my team. Syan hes an earth wizard, Rowan shes a fire wizard, Poen he is a water wizard and i am Kigno one in 5 across the dimesions who can use air magic and who may you be?"
" Im Robin, Robin Dome... The leader of our group!" Robin replied being proud she didnt run to the hideout telling her conrads about this encounter.
" If your the leader then what is your teams name?",
" Ummmmmm... Generation 7."studdered Robin as she rubbed her arm, " Yeah Generation 7!".
" Hahahahaha really that is such a bor..."
" Yours isnt any better." Commented Robin with a sassy attitude,
" HEY DONT YOU GO PUSHING YOUR LUCK MISSY!" Snapped Kigno as she disapeared into thin air with her team members.

The sun slowly dawned until the moon rised,everyone was inside at the dining table celebrating there 6 months in the hideout.  
" Hey who were those strange people you were talking to?" Elinor silently asked Robin,
" Shhhhhhhhh, follow me." Replied Robin as she excused herself from the delicous feast. Elinor followed curiously knowing something wasnt right.
" So tell me who they were!" Demanded Elinor in a weirded out tone.
" They called themselves element 4, there was Syan, Poen..."
"Rowan and Kigno, they're the elfman king's assassins. They are looking for someone. But who?," Elinor stated starting to mumble to herself, " I think i know who."

* It is pronounced:
Syan: See-an      Rowan: Row-an    Poen: Poe-een    kigno:kig-noe *

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