Part 1| The Retreit

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'Hakuta Matata, what a wonderful thing...' The enormous television blared in the comtempory loungeroom. Sobbing on the long, white cushioned lounge  was 11 year old Elinor. She was the emotional one, the friend who would cry for you, she had force abilities like force fields and force waves. Then next to her, spreaded out like she was a blanket was 12 year old Ohana. She was hawaian, her parents died in a house fire when she was only in kindergarden. Not suprisingly she recieved the power of flames.
"Ohana, there ready!" Shouted Tailah from the large, tidy kitchen, Tailah is the 'chef'. She can bake, cook, steam, grill you name it she could do it. She had her dream superpowers, highted senses and and bullseye. 'Flush' the toilet drains as Samatha walks out dusting her greasy and dusty hands off. Sam is the engineering type, she just finished fixing the toilet leek. She is usually welding with her laser eyes or examining her car shes modifying with her xray vision but right now Gordan is using the basement as her scientific labritory. Gordan is all about the enviroment, thats probably why she had photographic memory and the elements water and earth. She was the oldest, only by 15 days. Unfortunately for
Robin those 15 days were too large of an age difference. Robin was always in her novel writing or orginising on her laptop. She was the supervisor and the orginisor, she had telekinesis and the ability to remember everything she had ever seen, heard, taste, felt and smelt. She would be usually be sitting at the kitchen bench on her special, black, leather stool. Sometimes she get bardged over by Peggy as she runs through the sliding back door with her tamed german sheperd named Herriet. Peggy loves animals, thats why she was an animal shapeshifter and could talk to animals.

These 7 girls lived in their hideout learning adults skills like cooking and orginising their finances but worst of all... They have to do chores. Their retriet has 4 bedrooms, 2 people share a room. There is a kitchen, study, pool room, a gaming room, a library, a theatre room, an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, a soccer field, netball courts, handball courts, a helipad and 2 loungerooms. People couldnt see their retreit as it was surrounded by an ivisibilty cloak, Robin payed once every year for the Evo Council to keep the cloak up.

* Sorry if there are spelling mistakes! *

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