3. Obsession

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Billie stayed home for the next few weeks. He sat on his couch, not changing the channel away from the news. There were so many reports about the killer. Saint Jimmy kept striking, killing men and women.

Tré and Mike kept stopping by. They brought Billie food. They just let Billie obsess over the killer. It happened at least once a year. It lasted a few days normally, but it’s been a week. The obsessions were inevitable.

Billie was on the couch, loaded up on energy drinks and caffeine, he hadn’t slept in about three days. Mike and Tré were in the kitchen, making some food for Billie.

“He looks strung out.” Mike said to Tré. Tré nodded. “I thought for sure that he wouldn’t get like this, this year.” Mike mumbled.

“He wasn’t even interested in the murderer.” Tré said. “I think ever since that officer came it just went downhill.” Tré said.

“He’s worse than an old guy in an old people home.” Mike grumbled stirring some boiling noodles.

“I actually would rather take care of an old guy.” Tré joked. Billie jumped over the back of the couch and ran into the kitchen. Mike and Tré looked at him. “What?” Tré asked.

“There was another body found! That same bathroom that Alexis girl was found in.” Billie answered. Tré frowned. “The son of rage and love.” He murmured.

“Maybe you should take a break from watching the news.” Mike suggested. Billie shook his head.

“No, I can’t.” Billie said. He got himself a cup of water. “Saint Jimmy and I have kind of like a connection.”

“What do you mean?” Tré asked.

“I started having dreams of what Saint Jimmy did. How he killed them.” Billie answered.

“You haven’t been sleeping.” Mike stated.

“I’ve been dreaming while awake.” Billie told him.

“I’m going to go get you some sleeping pills.” Tré said. He pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Mike, make sure he eats.” Tré said, he then walked to the door. Mike nodded and finished making the meal, Tré was gone. Billie was fidgeting around.

“Mike, really, I’m fine.” Billie said. Mike scoffed and made a bowl. He gave the bowl and fork to Billie. “I am.” Billie mumbled.

“No, you’re gunna get sick if you quit sleeping.” Mike said. Billie sighed and sat down to eat. “You’re getting micronaps, that’s bad.” Mike told him. Billie rolled his eyes and practically shoved the food down his throat.

“What are micronaps?” Billie asked through a mouthful of noodles.

“Your brain is straight, it shuts down for seconds to recharge itself. That’s why you’re dreaming with your eyes open.” Mike answered. Billie nodded slowly. He continued eating, actually eating about three large bowls. By the time he was done, Tré came inside.

“You need to take these. Two of them.” Tré said opening the little box to get the container out.

“The news it back on!” Billie said. Billie was about to get up, Tré blocked him.

“Take these, and then you can watch the news.” Tré said, he handed Billie the pills. He took them with his water. “Okay, now you can go watch it.” Tré said, Billie scrambled back to the living room.

“How fast do those act?” Mike asked.

“Fast.” Tré answered looking at the container. Billie was once again to the Saint Jimmy reports.

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