Chapter 2

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I was having a... little problem. The voices, they were back, and they were telling me to do things. They started recently but seeing as I finally got out of the black block, I had no intention of going back.

I looked through the glass panel that separated my side of the room from Jacob's and smiled. That guy was... Special.. The voices told me so. He liked things balanced but they say that he was off.

Something was wrong and they told me that I was the one that needed to fix him. The knock on the door brought my attention to the door where the new nurse was standing. She always waited until I gave her the okay to come in and I smiled.

"How are you today Trever?" She asked.

"She's nice."

"Very pretty."

"I like this one, we can keep her around.."

I shook my head to dispell the voices and popped the rubber bands on my wrists to calm myself down.

"I-i'm good." I replied.

"Ready to take your medicine today?" Another thing we liked, she didn't force anything on us, she let me choose.

I nodded and downed the pills she handed me. After I swallowed them and handed back the empty bottle she put her hand on her hip and looked me up and down.

"You look like you're doing better, I'm sure you'll be out in no time." Her smile was bright and it made me smile.

"She likes you." The last voice I heard for the next 12 hours.


I congratulated myself at having made my first solo rounds without any problems. Today was my first day on the job and besides the head nurse briefly explaining to me what it was I was to be doing, I got no further help or instruction as she continued to sit with her face stuffed in the latest Cosmopolitan magazine.

As explained, my main job was the administering of all of the patient's medicines. Besides that I had nothing left to do besides wait for one of the other nurses to call on me if they needed help. I later found out that none of them really cared much for the inmates, as they did the bare minimum that was required of them and treated them like less than human beings. What shocked me more is how the higher-ups allowed such behavior and they themselves did the same. The only person, I realized, that also treated them with kindness was the in house psychiatrist Hal. The time that I didn't spend administering meds, helping the other nurses, or trying to talk to some of the patients, I spent in her office trying to learn as much as I could about the people I was going to be dealing with.

"Jacob is one you need to be very careful around. With most other patients it's okay to just enter their room but with him, please make sure you ask him if it's okay to enter before you do." Hal was explaining as we walked down the hall.

Today was one of her busier days but she still was okay with me asking her tons of questions about the residents as long as I kept up with her pace. I consulted my notes.

"Symmetry." We met eyes.

"That's part of it. He also prone to extreme levels of anxiety which can either make him very aggressive or revert to a child like state." She confirmed and I gave a nod, jotting down more notes.

"And his roommate Trever is schizophrenic correct?" I asked.

"Yes. He's been doing much better which is why he got a room change. I think putting them in a 'room' together will help them in the long run. The glass wall between them will help us in the long run in case there's a lapse." We shared a humorless laugh as we turned the corner onto the black block.

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