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My movie-star angel appeared in my dreams again. He didn't say a word. He just sat on the roof of a building, staring down at a city of cobblestone streets. I could almost see him mentally mapping out his next move. He would find a way to lead me home—to be with my family again.

Until then, I had to endure another day at school. I asked Louise if I could take a sick day (they really should implement a number of coward days), but she denied me.

River didn't show up for school, and I had no idea what his girlfriend looked like. She could have been anyone. All day I caught myself scanning the halls between classes, worrying that every rocker girl I saw was going to bash me in the face with a binder. I didn't want to ask Faith—or anyone else—about her because I worried it might trigger more drama.

Even the last period bell ringing didn't make me feel better. What if she was waiting for me in the parking lot? Maybe she hadn't been in school all day because she was arming herself to attack me.

If Mikey were here, he'd tell me I was being a paranoid nut job.

After making it safely to Faith's car, I finally relaxed. My muscles ached from being so tense. When Faith suggested stopping by Tlaquepaque to get smoothies, I agreed, hoping they had one with a shot of something that could calm me down.

We were walking through the shopping village, minding our own business, just feet away from the smoothie place, when a raspy voice shouted my name. I turned around and saw River, but then I noticed the girl holding his hand, and I almost puked. They were coming toward us. I turned to Faith to tell her I was about to get my butt kicked, but she hadn't stopped.

She stood in the open doorway of the store. "I really have to pee. I'll meet you inside."

"Hey, Maryah." River stopped in front of me. "This is April. Ape, this is the new girl."

Ape. She looked nothing like an ape. She was tall and thin with hair that flowed like honey over her shoulders. Her clothes were pastel-colored and feminine with ruffles and all. And she was smiling. At me. A sweet smile, like she was the type who volunteered to feed the homeless and read to lonely old people in nursing homes. This was the girl I had feared for the past twenty-four hours?

"Hi, Maryah. It's so nice to meet you." Her smile drooped when I didn't respond, but I was so shell shocked. I hadn't slept all night in fear of having to fight this girl, and here she was all pretty and sweet and being nice to me. She glanced at River then tried again. "How do you like Sedona so far?"

It took me a few seconds to get my mouth moist enough to speak. "It's rocky."

It's rocky? Why was I so lame?

Her laugh sounded like rainbow Skittles spilling onto a glass table, all colorful and sugary. "We do have plenty of rocks, especially red ones."

River looked at us like we were ridiculous, and we kind of were. "Maryah's shy. We might have to bust her out of her shell."

"We will have you out of your shell in no time," April said. "I remember what it's like being the new girl, constantly slaying the dragonflies in your belly."

"Yes!" I practically shouted. "That's exactly how I feel. Way worse than butterflies."

"Way worse," April agreed. "Hey, you should hang out here with me tonight. River's band is playing, and I can introduce you to some cool people."

April seemed like someone Krista would've been good friends with, or Mikey would've dated. I could almost hear Mikey encouraging me to make more friends. "Maybe. I'll have to see, but it sounds like fun."

Grasping at Eternity (The Kindrily Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now