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Bloody hell, I had become a stalker.

I paced my room, debating whether or not to traverse back to Colorado. Anthony and Louise wouldn't let anything happen to Maryah. I didn't need to stand guard over her like an overprotective Neanderthal.

Or did I?

Dedrick had gone to great lengths to find Maryah and kill anyone who got in his way. I wouldn't let history repeat itself. I'd be damned if I'd let those fiends get to Maryah-or any member of our kindrily.

My door opened and Carson stepped inside.

"She's in her room. She didn't remember dreaming anything. I'm going to bed."

"Wait," I grabbed his arm. "She didn't mention seeing me at all? Maybe she knew I was real."

He sighed heavily. "Look, the girl doesn't seem too bright, but don't you think she would've said something if she saw a stranger in our house-especially in the middle of the night?"

"But she spoke to me. She's never been one to talk in her sleep. Travel, yes. Talk, no."

He pressed his palm against his forehead. "Nate, you're driving me insane. Either stop stalking her and introduce yourself so we can end these secret rendezvous, or stay away from her. Two options. Pick one. I'm tired of being your undercover wingman."

He made introducing myself sound so simple.

"Pick one," he demanded, "right now, or I'm telling Mom what's going on."

That made me chuckle. Members of our kindrily had changed roles many times. The first time a member was born as a relative was hard to accept, but after many lifetimes of switching from brother, cousin, uncle, son, neighbor, etcetera, label or age stopped carrying any significance. Being born to family or friends made it easier for us to stay connected.

Three lifetimes ago Louise had been my youngest sister, so Carson's "Mom" references reminded me just how inexperienced he was.

"Get some sleep, Carson. I promise not to wake you again tonight."

He cocked his jaw and murmured, "mm-hmm," before leaving.

I sat on my bed, replaying my interaction with Maryah. She had said take me. What did that mean? The testosterone-filled teenage side of me hoped she meant in a physical sense. As in, I can't resist my intense attraction to you, so take me and have your way with me. Blood rushed to a certain body part just thinking about it, but the wise, logical side of me reasoned that she probably wanted me to take her somewhere. Where? And who did she think I was? Why would she ask a supposed stranger to take her anywhere?

She also asked if it hurt. Did what hurt? Losing her? No, she couldn't know we had a past together. And her ring. Seeing her wearing it made me feel like a small shard of my shattered universe had been put back into place.

The distinctive soft slapping of Louise's bare feet neared my door. I'd heard her walk the floors of this house many nights for over a decade.

Carson, the little git, had actually told on me.

She tapped on the door just before I opened it. Her reading glasses sat atop her head, and her pajamas didn't look wrinkled or slept-in. "I'm glad you're here. I planned to call you in the morning, but when Carson told me you were visiting I figured best to talk now.

"Louise, I don't want to discuss-"

"No." She waved her hand and closed the door quietly behind her. "My old friend Marcus spotted Dedrick in Liverpool."

Grasping at Eternity (The Kindrily Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now