20: Do not put Mud in their shampoo

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*You and your friend is giggling, after your mom announced she's taking a 'quick' shower*

Friend: She'll be mad at you!

You: Hah it's no biggie, she's starting the water.

*A few minutes*


You: Run!

*Your mom rushes out of the bathroom, mud in her hair, screaming*

Friend: Look, she has mud in her nose!

You: She tried to clean her nose hairs with the 'shampoo'!

*You and your friend roll over laughing like a buffoon*

Sister: If you don't hand over your guy's money, I'm telling!

*You and your friend stop laughing suddenly, and hand over all the cash you have on you*

Sister: 15 bucks? This can't buy me a bike!

*She runs to your mom, to tell her*

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