16: Do not show them your Report Cards!

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This might be offending to some people, mostly REALLY religious people. Read with caution, once again. :)


*You come home smiling, showing you're mom you're report card.*

You: Mom, see! 1 C, 3 B's, and 4 A's!

Mom: You're happy for that? Don't you know grades are a hidden message!

You: Er.. Yeah?

Dad: A's mean, Appraising The Angles,

Mom: B's mean, Bellow the Angles,

Dad: C's mean, Cursing the Angles!

Mom: So you're proud of those grades?

You: Um, No...?

Mom: Great. Now I expect straight A's next semester.

You: I'll try.....?

100 Things NOT to be said to ParentsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ