Plumb Concert

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(So I forgot to actually upload this after it happened, but I want to share my experience.)

I discovered that Plumb was coming to Iowa on my birthday this year and since I am a fan of Plumb and I absolutely love concerts, I decided that a Plumb concert would be the perfect way to spend my birthday.  Meet & Greet tickets cost only $35 so I went ahead and bought the VIP tickets.

The day of the concert (also known as my 18th birthday) my friends designed a poster for me that said "It's My 18th Birthday."   The first time my friend tried writing it, she accidentally misspelled birthday and wrote 'bit' so the whole day we had an ongoing joke where I would say, "It's my bit!!!" (Instead of 'its my birthday'.)

We go to meet Plumb where she sees my poster and says happy birthday and autographs my poster, so that was really cool.

Once the show started, Rapture Ruckus came out as one of the opening acts.  Brad (the lead singer) saw my sign (since we were in the center of the front row) and said "Oh it's your birthday?  What's your name?"  After I told him, he was trying to figure out how to say it so he went "Kylee... Kailey... Carly..."  Then he sang Happy Birthday and the whole crowd sang along too.  At the end of the song, Brad took his water bottle and threw water at me and my friends.

During the intermission before Plumb came out to sing, we were able to meet the opening acts, so I got to meet and get autographs from Brad and also Christa Wells.

I know none of you really care about this, but it was a really fun time for me and my friends and I just like typing it up to relive it.

This was my 18th birthday and it was a really fun day.

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