I Sang Live!!!

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Today was the JAVA Jazz show at my school, and it's basically a variety show where you can do pretty much anything.

I sang My Song For You with my friend and it was stage first time I sang an original song live, and only the third time I've sang in front of an audience.

I was okay most of the day but the moment I started figuring out what I was going to wear, that was when my heart started beating in overdrive and I couldn't make it stop until afterwards (like two hours later.)

Anyway, I stood backstage waiting to go on with my friend Katy who sang with me and I basically couldn't stop shaking. We went onstage and the lights on the stage are so bright that you can barely see the audience. The first minute or so of the song, I felt really scared but as it went on, the audience seemed to fade away more and more. Eventually it felt like Katy and J were the only people there and I really got into the performance. I wasn't even nervous anymore.

Afterwards, I was so glad I did it. I was surprised at how much fun I actually had once the nerves went away.

I'll be posting a video of it on YouTube later so you all can see it.

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