chapter 2

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-3 Months Later-

I finished putting up the finishing touches on my room including string lights the framed the top of my bed, straightning the linens on my bed and putting up a few photographs. Though, somehow the room still looks empty, obviously far too big for the little things I have. I head down into the Foyer where the last of the items from our old house and some new things are being brought in by the moving company. My mother is moving around some items and when she sees me she stops in her tracks.

" hello dear! i have a surprise for you!"she says to me, extremely excited. She leads me to her room and goes into her walk in closet, pulling out a nicely ironed girls uniform that i'm unfamiliar with.

" what's this?" I ask.

" You're moving schools!" She says.

" What?! How could you not tell me about this?" I say, shocked.

" Don't be so surprised! Anyways the school is much closer than your other one, and you'll have an opportunity to make some new friends!" She says back to me.

She hands me the uniform and pushes me out of the room. I was happy to be moving to a new school, but also sad in a way. This was just another step to leaving behind my normal life and I wasn't sure if I wanted that.

I hung up my uniform and that night I thought about what my school would be like. I was scared. Afraid I would be disliked. I breathed a sigh and tried to calm myself down. No use in worrying. I let myself sleep and by the time I knew it I was deeply asleep.

- Mannan -
" Ugh! why do i have to go to school Hayate?!" I yelled, annoyed by him pushing me to go.

" yeah! " Shin and Hajime yelled in unison.

" Becuse you're still young and we can't have you wandering the streets, the police might see you!"

We groaned in unison but grabbed our bags and headed for the school.
- Saki -
I walked up to the school , it's terryifying structure threatning me. I had decided that this would be my chance to make an impresion.

I walked to class 2-B and waited for the teacher to call me in. I walked in and stood in front of the class.

" Hello, my name is Saki Daiji. Pleased to meet you." i bowed slightly and then looked up. The name sounded odd, and I felt weird using my step-fathers' surname already.

Everyone stared blankly for a moment then looks that judged me. Looks that said they didn't like me, but also looks that sent feelings of kindness. My eyes drifted to the back of the room and there sat the boy whom I had accidentally bumped into. I felt redness spread over my face. What were the chances that we ended up at the same school and in the same class. The teacher directed me to my seat and I walked down the aisle of desks taking my seat and pulling my notebooks and pencil case out as the teacher resumed his normal agenda.

A few hours after writing notes and listening to the teacher talk the bell rang and people shuffled out of the class for lunch. People whispered as they passed me and I wanted to shrink into a dark hole. Most of them commented on my appearance or my attitude, but mostly it was negative. Not a great start. I lowered my head in disappointment.

" Dont worry about them!" i heard a voice say and I snapped my head up to see three girls standing beside me.

A tall girl, with short brown wavy hair, and hazel eyes introduced herself as Aiko.  The girl standing next to her, introduced herself as Yumi. Black chunky glasses framed her face and her jet-black hair sat straight on her shoulders. lastly, the girl standing beside Yumi introduced herself as Momo. Her brown curly hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her brown eyes sparkled with excitement.

" Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Saki."

" would you like to eat lunch with us "Momo said to me, a wide smile on her face.

" Yes i'd love to!" I jumped from my seat and walked out with them. It was as I was walking out of the classroom I noticed the guy from earlier as well as two other guys staring at me. I whipped my head away from their glances and continued to walk away.


The bell rang and Hajime and Shin came up to my desk. I told them about my encounter with Saki and the way it felt when our hands touched.

" Are you sure? You think that girl Saki could be a pretear?" Hajime said.

" Yeah I'm sure of it! I started helpin' her up when she fell and then I felt the shock! it has to be!" I replied.

" alright we'll tell the others today and then we will see what happens." Shin said.

I looked over to the door where Saki was exiting and our eyes met for a moment before she looked away and left the room. 

a/n HEYY GUYS! sooo updating finally! well anyways thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed it!


- Addy<3

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