Chapter 3- hunt

Depuis le début

"So Carlisle is she alright?" I asked.

"Yes she's alright but she is in a critical condition she's got scars all over her body. She has a minor head injury. Her left arm is broken and she is malnourished. She'll need to eat something soon or she will die. The only reason she gets full quickly is because her stomach is smaller than it should be. So she'll need hourly intervals of food and water. I also had to give her a transfusion she is down on about 5 litres of blood. " He said.

"We can't let her die. She'll have to stay with us. We'll have to make sure she eats we'll all have to put equal efforts in to saving her. I really don't want her to die and I think I speak on behalf on all of us when I say that. After that we are just going to have to let her do what she wants to do." I said everyone nodded. Edward winced I looked at him and said

"Edward what's wrong?"

"Amelia. She's having a nightmare she ignoring it through I don't know how she does it she's supposed to wake up screaming. Unless Carlisle put her to sleep." Edward said. I agree she is supposed to wake up screaming.

"What is she having a nightmare about?" Rosalie asked.

"I'm not sure I'm guessing it is her aunt that is scaring her and loads of other vampires who have bitten her." Edward said. After a few minutes Edward sighed he sounded relieved she's probably waking up now. Edward smiled.

"Edward? Why are you smiling what is she thinking?" I asked.

"She just woke up she hasn't opened her eyes properly but she knows the room is white. She thinks that she has died and has gone to heaven. Well that isn't funny but the way she is thinking it is." Edward replied he got up and grabbed me we went upstairs. Everyone else followed behind us.

***Amelia's POV***

I'm dead. I'm dead. I died. I'm dead. I opened my eyes for a brief second and then closed them. The place I am in is white. Yes I died and went to heaven. All my worries have gone. I can't believe it I'm dead! Whooo! I'm dead! I hear footsteps that doesn't sound good. A door opened I hear more footsteps getting louder. Maybe they are angels. Wait angels have wings. Please say I'm dead. Please, please, please! I sat up keeping my eyes closed I rubbed them then opened them. In front of me were eleven people well vampires, well part vampires. Actually I'm not sure that Jacob is a vampire he's tanned and he doesn't smell like one. So much for heaven. Edward smiled what does he find so funny? I'm not doing funny am I? Wait am I? Crap I probably am. Edward bursted out laughing everyone looked at him. He was shaking his head and he said

"Her thoughts." Everyone nodded. Wait whose thoughts? It can't be me can it? I'll ask. I opened my mouth just about to talk when I spotted something on my left arm. I held it up and examined it. What is this? I tried to take it off then Carlisle said

"Don't take that off you need it." I need it?

"Why do I need it?" I asked my voice was shaky.

"You broke your arm." Carlisle said.

"How did I do that?" I asked.

"You fell off a tree." He said.

"Do you have any idea on how many trees I've fallen off in the last three months?" I asked.

"No." he replied. What a straight answer.

"Guess." I said I wonder what number he'll come up with.

"5." He said.

"More." I said.

"20." Emmett said.

"More." I said.

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant