November 6, 2015

11 1 0

Hi peoples. So I kinda have a story. Not really. Just something that's happening.

So 2 days ago, KC and I were texting, and he invited me to a video chat on Hangouts. We were talking on iMessage at the time, And the chat had my friends Anna, Tara, Khan, and his friend Jay. So I joined, and we talked and laughed, and at one point we couldn't hear everyone so Khan says "if you can hear me say... Corn dog!" And all you hear is 3 other people yelling corn dog at the same time. Did I mention KC was there? Yes I did just stare at him at some points.

Anyways, yesterday after school, I invited April to the chat, and KC, April, Jay and I had a short video chat, cuz they all had to go somewhere, and no one else was there.

So, I always plug my phone in at, like, 8:30, except every other weekend, but they kept talking. So April really likes KC (already said that, right?) and they had a chat and I'm happy about that, cuz he's her friend, and she really really really "likes" him, and I like that he's closer to her now. Maybe they will get closer? Let's hope so.

Anyways, I'm with my dad this weekend, so I'll probably update at 11 at night, cuz I'm usually awake and talking to KC and my friends at that point. So yeah.

It was a short chapter, but one of my last 3 was one thousand-two hundred something words. So yeah.

Byeeeeeee 🤓

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