November 2, 2015

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Ok. So this is the chapter for KC. I have 3 dreams for 3 seasons. Fall, winter, and summer. Not spring, too sick to make up a dream. So here it is.


So, near his house is a path into the forest, towards the park. We were just there 2 days ago, with my friends after the sleepover for Halloween. So, my dream. Here it is.
So he asked me out, and I said I can't go to many places, and he said he had an idea. So my friend lives literally right beside the path.
He said meet me there. So I met him there and I wasn't wearing a jacket just a long sleeve, but he was wearing a sweater that I love. Anyways, we start walking down the path, and he's got a basketball in his hand. So we get to the park and there is a basketball net. So we go and play and we tease each other, and play and I think he let me win. So after that we go sit on the swings. And he pushes me, and we swing. And as we are starting to maybe leave, I get cold. And he sees me hug my arms, and gives me his sweater. And we walk back, and he was walking me to my friends house where I was staying, and everyone was staring out the window, but luckily he couldn't see them. Well he kissed me and I walked in, still wearing his sweater, and yay!


So again, this is with KC.

So we decided to go on another date. So we walked again. We walked to a diner, but it started snowing half way through so we were covered in snow flakes, and we were laughing. So we decided not to go sit in the diner, so we got hot chocolate and some food to share, and sat on a bench and laughed. And once we had finished eating, he leaned over, kissed me, then said "you still look gorgeous, even with snow on your face."


So we were on a beach. And, you know, sunset and stuff. But instead of just sitting there, we decided to get up and play music. So we were dancing and a slower song came on, it was actually the slow version on "How You Get The Girl." Anyways, we were dancing really close and he kissed me and when we stopped, we turned to the water, where the sun was setting and it looked gorgeous. We than started dancing down the beach, and we went into the water.

Ok, so I've got to explain something. I like KC A LOT! If my hair was 100% (for crushes) he has 70% and Adrian has 30%. Or maybe 75 and 25. But I like him a lot more. In the next chapter I need to tell you guys something. But not this one. SUSPENSE.


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