October 27 2015

6 1 0

4 days! 🕷🎃🕸🕯☠⚰🔮📿

So. Today. There is this guy at school that's really hot, but he's mainstream (that's what the gifted called the non gifted) and he's like a nerdy hot, and his name is Adrian. He went to my friends camp, and went up to her and said "Hey don't you go to Our School?" So yeah. Anyways he's super hot.

So we've all been trying to talk to him, but he's always around he's friends, cuz he's super popular. Anyways, we were at the end of our field, and he was playing soccer. And we were sitting, and he walked by so we all yelled "Hi person" and he looked and laughed/smiled a tiny bit. So as we were walking back to the doors, I yelled hi person, and he smiled and waved. So I'm winning. Haha. So hot. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Anyways, I'm telling you this cuz I had a dream about this. Cuz this happened yesterday. Here it is.

So we were at the Halloween dance, and we were all dancing. I was going through groups of people cuz there were too many. So I went to my friends and we were dancing, and I stepped back and fell, but he caught me ( I know cheesy). Anyways I said hi person, and I got up/he helped me out of his arms and looked at me and said "you know I have a name, right" with a smirk. So I sad "yeah, Adrian, I do know" and he's like "ok Kether, I see" and we just smiled for a bit. Then we went our separate ways.

But it's not over. At our school we have this thing at dances called matchmaker. You sign up and you get paired with a guy/ girl depending on your gender, and you are supposed to dance. But, really, last year on the grade 8's danced. So we got paired and all my friends were like "Omg do it!" So we danced. And then it turns out he liked me. And so yeah.

It was interesting, but only a dream.


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