Chapter 4

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I haven't spoken to Charlie in a week since the unraveling of truth shed upon us. although I was certain that she was hiding more than she let on, I could bring my self to frazzle her anymore than I already had. Because frankly, I was scared!
Scared of the truth that still lingers, scared to figure out who is blackmailing us! Scared to know just why, they made these secrets! Why my mother was trying to save her arse. Simply scared of life as I knew it...

*knock knock*
I slowly pushed my self up off my bed, Opening the door to reveal a frantic Charlie.
Handing me a letter he pushed past me, flopping onto the bed, as he sighed deeply, the tears visible on his eyes as he fought to hold them back. Confusion spread upon my face, I took a look at the letter...

My boy, so she revealed some secrets, beware... WHAT SHE TOLD YOU ESS TRUE! but just what else is she hiding from you!
I knew it! I said loudly, causing Charlie to jump "sorry".

Are you willing to figure out the rest of these secrets that have been kept from you and y/n? Hmm doubt it! But I'm sure your curious, meet me... Tonight

"Um! So?" Was all I could utter, I was scared... I was shocked! I was fearful that if Charlie goes, he could get hurt for knowing to much!

"It's a trap!" I screamed I fucking knew it! I knew it was too good to be true! Charlie's mum, laid bloody and cold on the cement floor of the abandoned building.. The solid Brick walls soaking in blood, never the less, we were unsure whether it was Karen's (just remembered her name ahah) or someone else's. But it sure scared the living shit out of me.
"Charlie..." I mumbled as I caught site of a television and a VCR... The video playing was Karen's toucher.. Her screams filling the room as he told her to shut the fuck up, and answer his question. "Charlie! For fuck sake! Come here!" I was beginning to get annoyed it had been a while since I had called him the first time, and he still wasn't here, where the fuck was he, turning around I noticed him and Karen weren't where they were when I discovered the VCR!

Did he ducking ditch me? That cunt!

Taking the video from the VCR, it seemed all to easy... What am I missing?

Racing out the door, I stood frozen in my tracks... A figure approached me, slowly and magnificent, each step taken with caution, but each step was elegant. As the figure came into view my jaw dropped.


Unknown pov (who is it)
"No! It's not you, it can't be! " she cried as she shook her head in disbelief.
"Oh but it is my darling.." I smiled wickedly at her. "I was never gone. Only the world thought I was gone. I needed to escape... From Jake, Lucas, Paul but mostly from myself..."

"All will be revealed in grace time child... You just wait and see!" Stroking her cheek, she flinched with every stroke, as if she still didn't believe it... Jumping back from my touch she shook her head!
"You're not my mother! You're not! This is fucked up! Where's Charlie! And Karen?" She screamed.. " you better not have hurt them you pathetic wannabe! Where are they!"

She was determined, furious! And she knew exactly what she wanted... But she was right...

Where were Karen and Charlie!
And an I even her mother! Or just a figure of her imagination!

"All will be revealed. All in grave time child" was all she could say, anger boiled through my vain a as I pushed past this imposter! No no no no! Fucking no! I don't believe it! She's just a figure of my imagination. She had to be!
Bring out the doors, the car was gone.

He just left without me! What the actual fuck! That pricks going to get a piece of my mind!

to Charlie

Thanks for leaving you worthless piece of shit! If that was my mother I wouldn't have left you! You're nothing but a cunt and I truly hate you even under these circumstances! Who the FUCK LEAVES SOMEONE BEHIND IN AN ABANDONED HOME! Like seriously THE FUCK CHARLIE! I get it your worried about your mother but come on dude HAVE SOME CONSIDERATION FOR THE NEXT PERSON! Like fuck! YOU JUST FUCKING LEFT ME!

To Leo:

Are you able to pick me up! Like ASAP!

From Leo:
Why Sure where? :)

After my in counter with my dead mother, and Charlie leaving me behind to Rott in despite and agony! I was such an emotional reck. Leaping into Leo's arms I cried, and cried.
"Shh, princess it's okay, what are you even doing here! And alone for that matter."

"I wasn't alone! Charlie fucking bailed on me, after finding his mum. So much has happened please can you take me back to yours and comfort me... Please?"

His jaw dropped as he comprehended what I said, "he left you?!" I nodded shaking his head he lead me to the car...


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