•chapter four•

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the alarm clock on my phone goes off rather loudly from its position on the pillow next to my head. monday. back to waking up at six a.m and going to school for seven hours. i click off the alarm and rub my eyes. i honestly kind of like school. i'm in all honers classes and i know what i'm doing. it's the waking up early, noisy people, and rude teachers that i don't like. oh well, life goes on.

i hop out of my bed and tie my long brown hair up simultaneously. unlocking my phone as i sit down, i go onto spotify and hit shuffle on my playlist. 'catch fire' by 5 seconds of summer comes through the speakers and i smile, lightly bobbing my head as i apply concealer under my eyes. maleana got my into their music about two years ago as well as all time low. she's into that pop punk and rock stuff. though my music taste is more adel, birdy, ed sheeran, or even one direction.

i do my normal makeup routine of light concealer, contour and mascara. i let my hair down and decide to leave it naturally straight to save time. i pad over to my drawers and pull out dark wash jeans, a maroon long sleeved shirt and a knit cream cardigan. i smile at my reflection in the mirror and grab my phone, heading down the stairs to the kitchen.

i grab an apple and sit at the island. i never really eat that much anymore. ever since my parents left i haven't. i look around the big kitchen noticing how incredibly lonely it gets without anyone around. though i guess i'm used to it, my parents have been going on long business trips like this ever since i was old enough to watch out for myself. but no matter how used to it i am, it still kinda hurts.

i scroll through my twitter timeline checking up on my favorite youtuber's and singer's newest tweets. i look up at the time and decide that it's time to head out. i grab my brown leather bag from the chair beside me and slip my phone into the outside pocket.

my blue jeep starts up slowly as usual, giving me time to plug in the aux chord and play some music. the reasoning behind my blue jeep is that back four years ago at the age of thirteen, teen wolf started and i saw stiles had a blue jeep. so, still being a huge fan to this day, i new i had to get this when i saw it sitting in the lot.

the drive to school is only five minutes, ten on a slow day like today. the charcoal clouds hang low over the cold city of pinelilly. i tap my thumb to the beat of the music on the steering wheel as i wait at a red light. the entire weekend i could not stop thinking of ronan. not even when the girls and i had our '60 second girls night'. every time i think of something else, he always finds a way to creep back in. and by what lacy had told me, today is the day he comes back from his suspension.

i pull into the parking lot and park in the middle of lacys white challenger and maleanas red punchbuggie. we greet each other and discuss how much we despise our ap biology teacher for assigning us a project where we couldn't choose our own partners as we walk into the crowded school building.

down the second floor hallway to the right of chemistry is where our three lockers stand in a row. we unlock them and grab our necessary books for class before walking off down the hallway.

"did you see jake and amanda walking together?" lacy asks and rolls her eyes. amanda and jake are walking down the hall side by side, talking and laughing as if they'd been friends forever. as if. amanda is the full connotation of a blonde. stupid, slutty, and wears entirely too much makeup.

"act like it doesn't bother you. because it shouldn't. he's a dick and finally out of your life. it's about time you realized how much of a jerk he was. " maleana replies before slipping into ap biology. i shrug at lacy, agreeing with maleana no matter how close jake and i are, and follow her in, with lacy at my heals. we take our seats in the middle of the room facing our teacher as he types away on his desktop.

while we wait for the first bell to ring, we face in towards each other and discuss who we wish we were and who we wish we weren't paired with for the assignment. brutal i know, but as usual i don't take much part in the discussion.

"mr. kole, nice to finally meet you." our teacher says sarcastically to whoever is standing at the door. when i turn, all of the air escapes my lungs and i feel as though i had taken my last breath. standing there is ronan kole, or steele, with his knuckles split and scabbed. standing on either side of him are his two guard dogs holten gansey and condos fray. condos peers over and meets my eyes, smirking. their attire of black leather jackets and dark eyes match they're 'bad boy' stereotype perfectly. i quickly avert my gaze and sink back into my chair.

the sounds of slow feet make their way down the row as they take their seats behind us, one of them matching up with one of us.

"alright settle down settle down!" mr. rogers starts. "i assume you've all heard that i will be pairing you up to complete a project. these projects will be what you present in february at the school science fair. "

a few groans escape from the class. i look over and maleana is pointing down her throat like she's going to vomit, making me laugh a bit.

"without further or do, here are the pairs; nora and cadon, lacy and condos, amanda and jake, logan and mason, brooke and sarah, scott and allison, maleana and holten, elena and caroline, tyler and joseph, gianna and shawn, and last but only one of them not least, nicolette i'm talking about you, nicolette and ronan. "

what?! no, this can't be happening! i though i've avoided having to interact with him! crap! now he'll for sure know who i am if i talk to him. or... maybe he doesn't recognize me. no that's impossible nic don't be stupid. i take a deep breath and turn around, bumping into a hard chest. i step back and rub my nose before looking up into his deep blue pools for eyes. he smirks down at me.

"hey princess, remember me?"


hey guys! so i have to write a novel for school and this is the one i'm using! so one day this could be on the shelves selling! how crazy is that? anyways! thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment, etc!

blindsidedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon