'Snap out of it! Say something Alex, don't just stand there.' I can't.

I bow my head down slowly not trusting my voice. A long moment goes by before anybody says anything. Cassandra then clears her throat clearing the air and introduces. She eyes me discreetly reminding me of everything she said to me before we got here.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Smith, I'm Cassandra and this is Alexandria Santiago." Cassandra glares at me but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to say a thing. My mouth is as dry the Sahara desert and my palms are sweaty.

"The pleasure is all mine." Mrs. Smith says warmly as she offers a smile. She turns to looks at me but I look away to a random point in the room.

'Smooth, Alex.' Oh shut up you would have done the same thing. 'I did do it, I'm you!'  What will it take to get rid of you?

"Alexandria, you can take your things to your room while I talk to Cassandra. Melissa will show you to the way." I nod my head again and follow Melissa up the stairs.

'Nice going Alex she's probably thinking you're weird and disrespectful.' Shut up! I thought I got rid of you a long time ago! 'Hate to break it to you, but I'm still here.'  Just shut up, please.

Why people need so many rooms is beyond me. We passed at least 5 rooms to get to the room that I was assigned to.

'Says the girl who has never had a room to herself.' I guess. 'What no comeback?' no.

When Melissa opens the door I can't help the gasp that escapes my mouth. The room is enormous. There is a wooden queen-sized bed in the corner with orange sheets and with matching nightstands and dressers. A  huge Plasma hangs from the wall. There is a desk with a laptop and a white padded chair by the left wall. The walls are white, while a huge orange rug occupies the middle of the room. There are random white and orange decorations everywhere in the room including an orange lava lamp and orange circles hanging from the ceiling. An orange beam bag is next to a little semicircular sitting area in the back. The seats are padded with white cushions while orange and white curtains cover the windows.

 'Dayumm! this the coolest room ever!'  For once in your life you are right. 'Correction you are right. I'm YOU remember?' Please. Just. Shut. Up. 'Never!! I will not be silenced!'

Melissa waves her hand excitedly mentioning me to go in, but I am too afraid to go in. My shoes are dirty and so is my stuff. The cream carpet seems so vulnerable and doesn't stand a chance against someone like me.

Without a second thought, I run downstairs to Cassandra with my things leaving Melissa behind.

'What are you doing?' Running away duh! You know for being me, you sure are slow. 'Ouch, that hurt.' Good.

Cassandra and Mrs. Smith were staring at me as I ran down the stairs and out the massive wooden door.

'Calm down and take deep breaths you are embarrassing yourself!' You are so not helping right now.

The sounds from the fountain seem to help me calm down. I'm pacing back and forth when I see Cassandra fuming as she approaches me. The world around me collapses. The last thing i wanted was to let her down.

'She's mad.' naw, really?! Thank you captain obvious.

"Alexandria what do you think you're doing?" Her eyes are filled with fury and concern. 

"I can't do this Case. I can't go in there and pretend they're my family when I know they don't want me. I don't want to mess with their perfect life especially not with their house!" I screamed at her with tears running down my face as I point to the huge house behind her. She doesn't turn but just stares at me.

'Why are you crying?' I don't know.

"You can pretend that this is it and that you won't have to deal with me anymore, but I will NOT stay here. Why couldn't you find me a home like all the others? You and I both know that I do not belong here. I'm not staying in a house where even a fricking spoon is worth more than me!" Cassandra looks at me fighting her anger and tears. In the end the tears just flow as we stare at each other.

Saved by a Woman (GirlxGirl) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now