There was an uncomfortable groan from behind us and a growl was sounded. I turned my eyes back to him and saw fur sprouting from its flesh. He must be changing into a wolf already. Poor boy, he had to go through so much just so he could follow his kind. Stupid genes.

I could see the muscles swelling actually looking like someone was pumping them up like a balloon. His feet were growing three times their size and so was the rest of the body. Mike had gotten up onto all fours and his clothes ripped in half as his chest and waist burst into its normal shape.

“How come his clothes ripped, they never rip when you do it?” I asked not taking my eyes off this transformation.

“The body isn’t used to sucking the clothes into the body like we do. But one day he will learn and be able to do it very quickly.”

“How come this can be seen? When you do it, it’s just a blur?”

“Because my body was used to it and I have done it many times before so I can just do it all in a blink of an eye.”

“You don’t know how to read or right but you know metaphors.” I chuckled slightly. I guess I was back to normal now that I knew everything was ok. There was nothing to worry about.

“Get back!” Seth yelled pulling me behind him just as Mike growled and pounced at me. I didn’t understand. Mike was huge, more than 10 times his normal 12 year old size. Why was he trying to attack us? What had I done?

“Get back, Hayley! I am going to shift and I don’t want you to be in the way!” I started to back up but obviously not quick enough because the blur in front of me exploded and the force flew me through the air and into the cave wall. I landed hard my wrist twisting it in the process. All the air was forced out of me and my lungs pleaded for it back in. I wheezed trying to push myself off the ground.

Stars danced in front of my eyes and the world was growing dark at the edges. In front of me I could see Seth baring his sharp fangs at Mike. Mike growled back but seeing that Seth was greater in size and authority he backed away. Mikes eyes darted towards me; I didn’t see anger in them but curiosity. He must have maybe seen that I was a threat but how? He saw me before and in between the change didn’t he remember me?

I couldn’t think up possibilities because my eyes gently closed and I slumped to the ground. I heard some more growling and then I heard shouting.

“Hayley? Hayley!” someone screamed their words jumbling together.

I felt my head gently lifted off the cold stone. All I could feel was the cold except for warmth at the back of my head. I could faintly feel some pain but it was fading quickly. I just felt so tired and weighed down. It was like someone was adding blankets on top of me; one heavier than the last. My eyes felt heavy and thick, the protest to open them was so faint it was barely even there.

I was fading in and out only hearing parts of conversations. I tried piecing the words together to form something but it was hard enough just to listen. The only word that really got my attention was:


Why would they say bleeding? Is Seth bleeding? What did Mike do to him? Wait maybe Mike is the one bleeding? What about me? Was I the one bleeding? I had been thrown into a wall by an unnatural force. That was probably the best result. The body doesn’t like colliding into a stone wall.

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I winced. My heart raced and my breathing sped up. My eyes flicked open from the pain and my vision was blurred. I could just see bright white light above me. Shapes moved above me making my eyes travel back and forth.

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